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Screenshot button?

Richard Simpson

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I'm Not sure if this question has been asked before.. But I would love a screenshot button in the Editor, where I can set the image size too, so I can get an ultra high res screenshot, with ease :P

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Here is a small entity script that will allow you to take a screenshot of your current rendering screen in the editor:




The picture size is based on the current size of your editor window. You can set the screenshot key, the path, the filename, and the file type in the properties dialog.

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Thanks macklebee,


Is is possible to take this one step further and render a 32,000 x 32,000 image? I have some very large printers and would love to output some hi-res renders. What is the maximum we can render? I cam not worried about how long the frame takes or the file size :)



Programmer , Intel Quad core, NVIDIA GeForce GT 220, Windows 7 Pro, Galaxy Tab 2 ( 7" and 10"), LE2,LE3,3DWS

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HiRes renders can be taken quite easily:

1) Make a graphics window of 1000x1000

2) Set camera zoom to 32x (or whatever the correct factor is)

3) You can now make a loop which rotates the camera to each of the 1024 (=32x32) sectors which each are 1000x1000 pixels, and save the BackBuffer() to disk

4) Now you have 1024 png files, which you can merge into one huge 32000x32000 pixel png file


I just realized, that you can use the same technique for extreme good looking anti-aliasing, which works also with deferred rendering.

You can have 4x, 9x, 16x, 25x, 36x, 49x, 64x, 81x, 100x, etc... HRAA (=HiRes Anti-Aliasing) :)

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Hmmmm, seems a bit long-winded, but I'll try anything.


Is there a way to run this outside of the editor? e.g. in EXAMPLE01.LUA? It seems to allow me to create any size image, but it is off the screen. I've tried SaveBuffer(BackBuffer(),"C:\esp.png") but that does not seems to do anything. My lua skills suck at the moment :)



Programmer , Intel Quad core, NVIDIA GeForce GT 220, Windows 7 Pro, Galaxy Tab 2 ( 7" and 10"), LE2,LE3,3DWS

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The backbuffer will be the size of your current graphics screen. You could create a new buffer at the size you wanted then render then use the SaveBuffer(yournewbuffer, "c:\esp.png") but there is an issue. A new buffer for some reason is inverted, so your resulting picture would be flipped... which might not make any difference to you if you dont have any text on the screen or are willing to flip the resulting picture yourself in a image program.

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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I get mixed results upto 2048 x 2048 then nothing after that (no errors just no files). The inverted file is not a problem :huh:


Is this buffer held in RAM or video RAM?



Programmer , Intel Quad core, NVIDIA GeForce GT 220, Windows 7 Pro, Galaxy Tab 2 ( 7" and 10"), LE2,LE3,3DWS

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Yes I really need such a function too and talked to three coders here but noone seemed to be able to deliver an app. Someone started and had luck rendering the bufer but for some reasons the skybox was rendered black.


For I wont be able to take high-res pics for print or resizeing them to get a good AA effect like in CE2.


This little script is nice and handy. Only a option "Size" is missing. :huh:

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  On 2/16/2010 at 7:08 PM, Michael Betke said:

Yes I really need such a function too and talked to three coders here but noone seemed to be able to deliver an app. Someone started and had luck rendering the bufer but for some reasons the skybox was rendered black.


For I wont be able to take high-res pics for print or resizeing them to get a good AA effect like in CE2.


This little script is nice and handy. Only a option "Size" is missing. :)


Yeah I would really like a size function too :lol: I'm so bad at coding its unbelievable. Thanks for this script though :huh:

Intel core 2 quad 6600 | Nvidia Geforce GTX460 1GB | 2GB DDR2 Ram | Windows 7.


Google Sketchup | Photoshop | Blender | UU3D | Leadwerks Engine 2.4

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just tried your script in C#. It saves a large image, but it's only stretched.


Here's the code:

if (Input.KeyHit == Key.Numpad0)
int width = 2560;
int height = 1600;

Buffer buffer = new Buffer(width, height, (int)BufferType.Color);
Buffer buffer2 = new Buffer(width, height, (int)BufferType.Color);

Buffer.Current = buffer;
Buffer.Current = buffer2;
Drawing.Image(buffer.GetColorTexture(0), 0, 0, buffer.Width, buffer.Height);
Buffer.Current = Buffer.Back;
buffer2.Save(@"C:\test.jpg", 100);

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Using Josh's screenshot script, I can only make 3840x2160 (= 1920*2 x 1080*2) screenshots, since it's depending on GPU memory. I think I'll try to make the mosaic screenshooter next, which combines for example a 19200x10800 pixel screenshot from seperate screenshots.

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It seems to be possible, I've tested it a bit with a Lua script.

To make the mosaic seamless you need really big resolutions, because at lower resolutions the turning of the camera causes nasty distortions.

Currently I'm testing with a 9000x3000 virtual screen resolution, and it looks pretty cool, but I still see some few pixel distortion.

I think when I try 18000x6000 it will look pretty smooth, and then 36000x12000 will be no problem either.

Finally 36000x24000 or 36000x36000 should be good enough for most exhibitions.


9000x3000 scaled to 1200x400:



1200x400 unscaled:


Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
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