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Monster walks through closed doors


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I have a problem with monster walking through closed doors. The collision stops it sometimes but then sometimes he just passes right through. I thought maybe the MonsterAI speed was too high so I reduced it from 6 down to 0.7 for a slow walk speed and still he can pass through the door. The door and frame are models and the walls/floor are csg. I thought maybe the collision shape on the door was too thin but it's about the thickness of the 16 csg wall so I'm not sure why it's happening.



Check out my games: One More Day / Halloween Pumpkin Run

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I think using navmesh navigation, the character controller just navigate trhough navmesh and don't pay attention to obstacles.


You must use a raycast , so your monster will be able to detect some obstacle and then stops walking or choosr another destination.

Stop toying and make games

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The strange thing is before I had buildings and walls with navmesh running right through them and the monster couldn't pass through the walls even though the navmesh passed through. It just kept walking into them which is what I was hoping for with the doors. I'm not sure why it's behaving different. I'll do some experimenting and see if I can make him make him hang around the door instead of walking through it.

Check out my games: One More Day / Halloween Pumpkin Run

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I assume your walls don't have joints on them but your doors do? The joints create a means for the physics of the controller to push open the door. Personally I wouldn't use physics on doors. I would just rotate them via code when they need to be opened or closed.

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I had this problem more than once and never solved it. My door had no joints. My character could not get thru center of door but could slip through the edge even though the door was slightly bigger than the door frame. I relied on physics and sometimes it worked, sometimes not.

amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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