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Prefab file crashes project


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This prefab file wont open and crashes the editor. If it's in a world the world crashes too. I was working on it, I think I was doing some undo's and bang no more editor and usable prefab file.




What the prefab contains is a series of boxes done in the editor, I would guess it's around 30 or so boxes and the size of it uncompressed is 37mb, sounds quite large to me compared to what's in the file?

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Well I can get it to load occasionally without crashing the editor but it takes about 30 seconds to appear and you can't click on anything after dragging it into the scene prior to it finishing loading without it locking the program up. It contains 42 boxes but that still doesn't seem to explain the 37MB's.


As a test, I made 42 boxes and then also created another 100+ separate boxes by selecting the original 42 and carving them into one big box... and the saved prefab from this is only 1MB.


Some else posted a bug about the map size doubling each time they copied a csg box which i cannot reproduce either...


EDIT--it is interesting to note that when I exported your model it was only 17kb as obj and re-imported as mdl it was only 22kb.

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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Oh yeah I forgot to mention I created 38 boxes and 4.8 million groups. It was a busy night =).


All I can tell you was I was doing some undo's at the time, was using CTRL to duplicate, but wasn't doing any carving. Sorry I don't have the exact steps.



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I've noticed that in some cases undoing an operation will not preserve groups. It happens now and then but so far I haven't had time to narrow it down to a particular function. This might be related to OP's issue. I imagine a reference is lost to a group but it is still stored in the map file?

Intel Core i7 Quad 2.3 Ghz, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630M 2GB, Windows 10 (x64)

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OK it's happening again. It appears to be when I duplicate boxes (every box pretty much was duplicated), re-saving the prefab. I'm also getting a considerable lag duplicating a box when editing this file. There are no groups in the scene that I've done.


Here is the growing file:




If you CTRL copy 1 more box in that file it crashes LE for me.

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Okay, yeah. Basically what used to be the C++ and Lua templates have been merged into the "Common" template folder. I can make that automatic though so it doesn't give you an error...

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