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Re Export Lost Children


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Hi Josh


I have a house model and it's children are the items within it like cupboard models tv etc.


If I decide I need to do more work on the house model and re export the parent house model Im loosing all the children i set.


It's also deceptive as the children are still there in the editor, but reload the world and then there gone. This has to be fixed so that an new import of a model does not hose out out its children in the editor. it may not be much of an issue if there are 1 or 2 children but try 20-30 and now I have problems.


To add as well, if I re-export a model its essential that the settings for it will be the same as the original i.e if i set the original collision 'scene' I want the re-export set to scene or check nav obstacle and re export over the top i'd like to keep that setting intact.

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