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DayNight Script from Shadmar


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I used the DayNight script from Shadmar now and noticed some issues with view-distances.


First the included Circle Mesh (named Sun in the Prefab?) does not fit Terrains with a size of 2048 and more.


second it seems the mesh gets cut off after a distance when it is not exactly centered around the player camera. That would be no problem except that when i move the whole sky mesh with the player the terrain gets cut from the sky mesh since it intersects it.


Changing the view-distance of the mesh to infinity does nothing.


Got anyone experience with it using big terrains?



Other then that i really like the DayNight cycle script.

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ah. thanks shadmar that could explain why it cuts the terrain.


I think the leadwerks terrain does not get cut by the camera range, but only gets less detailed.


Will make some test with the camera range. I thought i had tried to set it very high but i will try it again.



But it is correct to attach the mesh to the camera. right?

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