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XInput / Gamepad support? [Solved]


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So, I have been looking around for a way to make a controller or gamepad work in Leadwerks, but most of the posts here seems to be outdated...


Have anyone actually got this working right?



Regards, KraXarN

Windows 7 | Intel Core i7-4790K | 16 GB RAM | Nvidia GTX 980

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I've been writing a c++ class using SDL in the last few days and it's almost finished. There were issues with my xbox controller, keys aren't mapped the same as regular controllers but i managed to fix it and implement a button mapping feature and now it behaves like normal controllers. It can automatically re-acquire controllers that are unplugged/replugged.


I will post the code once i'ts done, after that, i'll add lua support.

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Here's the game controller class i just finished. Copy the SDL folder in your source directory (currently SDL2-2.0.3). Include SDL2.lib in your project and copy SDL2.DLL in the same folder as your executable.



Added 2 parameters in the init method to enable/disable auto reacquire.




#pragma once
#include "Leadwerks.h"
#include "Game_Controller.h"

using namespace Leadwerks;

class App
Leadwerks::Window* window;
Context* context;
World* world;
Camera* camera;

Game_Controller* joysticks[8];

virtual ~App();

virtual bool Start();
virtual bool Loop();





#include "App.h"

using namespace Leadwerks;
App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {}
App::~App() { delete world; delete window; }

bool App::Start()
window = Leadwerks::Window::Create("Joystick");
context = Context::Create(window);
world = World::Create();
camera = Camera::Create();

if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0)
System::Print("Unable to init joystick system");
joysticks[0] = new Game_Controller();
if (joysticks[0]->Init(0, 15000, true, true))
System::Print("** Using joystick : " + joysticks[0]->GetName());


return true;

bool App::Loop()
//Close the window to end the program
if (window->KeyDown(Key::Escape))
return false;

if (joysticks[0])

if (joysticks[0]->AXIS_UP) System::Print("AXIS UP ; " + std::to_string(joysticks[0]->axis_y));
if (joysticks[0]->AXIS_DOWN) System::Print("AXIS DOWN ; " + std::to_string(joysticks[0]->axis_y));
if (joysticks[0]->AXIS_LEFT) System::Print("AXIS LEFT ; " + std::to_string(joysticks[0]->axis_x));
if (joysticks[0]->AXIS_RIGHT) System::Print("AXIS RIGHT ; " + std::to_string(joysticks[0]->axis_x));
if (joysticks[0]->DPAD_UP) System::Print("DPAD UP");
if (joysticks[0]->DPAD_DOWN) System::Print("DPAD DOWN");
if (joysticks[0]->DPAD_LEFT) System::Print("DPAD LEFT");
if (joysticks[0]->DPAD_RIGHT) System::Print("DPAD RIGHT");

for (int b = 0; b < sizeof(joysticks[0]->Button) / sizeof(*joysticks[0]->Button); b++) {
if (joysticks[0]->Button[b] == true) {
System::Print("Button pressed: " + std::to_string(B));

if (joysticks[0]->trigger_left > 0)
System::Print("Trigger left: " + std::to_string(joysticks[0]->trigger_left));
if (joysticks[0]->trigger_right > 0)
System::Print("Trigger right: " + std::to_string(joysticks[0]->trigger_right));



return true;





Game controller class using SDL2
- Added better support for XInput.
- Button remapping.
- Automatic re-acquiring when controller is unplugged/replugged.

Download SDL2 and copy the SDL2-2.0.3 folder in your Source directory.
Add SDL2.lib to your project and copy SDL2.dll where your executable is.

#include "Leadwerks.h"
#include "SDL2-2.0.3/include/SDL.h"
#undef main

class Game_Controller {
SDL_Joystick*	 m_joy;
SDL_Event		 m_event;
uint8			 m_total_joysticks;
uint8			 m_index;
std::string	 m_name;
int16			 m_threshold;
bool			 m_xinput;
uint8			 m_mapped_buttons[32];
bool			 m_auto_reacquire;
bool			 m_reacquire_alternate_controller;

uint8 FindControllerByName(std::string controller_name) {

int8 alternate_controller = -1;
for (int c = 0; c < SDL_NumJoysticks(); c++) {
SDL_Joystick* joy = SDL_JoystickOpen(c);
if (joy) {
if (SDL_JoystickName(joy) == m_name || controller_name == "") {
//System::Print("Joystick found, reacquiring " + m_name);
return c;
else if (m_reacquire_alternate_controller == true) {
if (alternate_controller == -1)
alternate_controller = c; // Use another controller if the one we're looking for can't be found //
joy = NULL;

return alternate_controller;

Game_Controller() { m_index = -1; }
~Game_Controller() { Close(); }

int16 axis_x, axis_y;
uint8 trigger_left, trigger_right;
bool Button[32];

bool Init(uint8 index, int16 axis_threshold, bool auto_require, bool reacquire_alternate_controller) {
if (index < 0 || index > SDL_NumJoysticks() - 1)
return false;

m_total_joysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks();
m_index = index;
m_threshold = axis_threshold;
m_xinput = false;
m_auto_reacquire = auto_require;
m_reacquire_alternate_controller = reacquire_alternate_controller;

DPAD_UP = false, DPAD_DOWN = false, DPAD_LEFT = false, DPAD_RIGHT = false;
AXIS_UP = false, AXIS_DOWN = false, AXIS_LEFT = false, AXIS_RIGHT = false;

for (int b = 0; b < sizeof(Button) / sizeof(*Button); b++) {
Button[b] = false;
m_mapped_buttons[b] = b;

trigger_left = 0;
trigger_right = 0;
axis_x = 0;
axis_y = 0;

if (m_joy)
m_joy = NULL;

m_joy = SDL_JoystickOpen(index);
if (m_joy) {
m_name = SDL_JoystickName(m_joy);
if (m_name.length() > 0) {
if (m_name.find("XInput") == 0) { // XInput devices have different button mapping //
m_xinput = true;
m_mapped_buttons[5] = 8; // select
m_mapped_buttons[4] = 9; // start
m_mapped_buttons[8] = 4;
m_mapped_buttons[9] = 5;
m_mapped_buttons[10] = 0;
m_mapped_buttons[11] = 1;
m_mapped_buttons[13] = 2;
m_mapped_buttons[12] = 3;

return true;

return false;

bool Reacquire() {
m_total_joysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks();

if (m_auto_reacquire == true && m_total_joysticks > 0 && m_name.length() > 0) {
uint8 index = FindControllerByName(m_name);
if (index > -1) {
Init(index, m_threshold, m_auto_reacquire, m_reacquire_alternate_controller);
return true;
return false;

void Close() {
if (m_index > -1) {
if (m_joy) {
m_joy = NULL;

std::string GetName() {
return m_name;

void ProcessEvents() {
if (SDL_NumJoysticks() != m_total_joysticks) // Controller changes detected, attempt to re-acquire //

if (m_joy) {
if (SDL_JoystickGetAttached(m_joy)) {

while (SDL_PollEvent(&m_event))
switch (m_event.type) {

//if (m_event.jaxis.which == m_index) {
if (m_event.jaxis.axis == 0) {
if (m_event.jaxis.value < -m_threshold) AXIS_LEFT = true;
if (m_event.jaxis.value > m_threshold) AXIS_RIGHT = true;
if (m_event.jaxis.value > -m_threshold && m_event.jaxis.value < m_threshold) {
AXIS_LEFT = false;
AXIS_RIGHT = false;
axis_x = m_event.jaxis.value;
if (m_event.jaxis.axis == 1) {
if (m_event.jaxis.value < -m_threshold) AXIS_UP = true;
if (m_event.jaxis.value > m_threshold) AXIS_DOWN = true;
if (m_event.jaxis.value > -m_threshold && m_event.jaxis.value < m_threshold) {
AXIS_UP = false;
AXIS_DOWN = false;
axis_y = m_event.jaxis.value;

//if (m_event.cbutton.which == m_index) {
if (m_event.cbutton.button == 4) {
Button[m_mapped_buttons[6]] = (m_event.button.button > 0); // Left trigger
trigger_left = m_event.button.button;
if (m_event.cbutton.button == 5) {
Button[m_mapped_buttons[7]] = (m_event.button.button > 0); // Right trigger
trigger_right = m_event.button.button;

//if (m_event.jaxis.which == m_index) {
DPAD_UP = false;
DPAD_DOWN = false;
DPAD_LEFT = false;
DPAD_RIGHT = false;
if (m_event.jhat.value & SDL_HAT_UP) DPAD_UP = true;
if (m_event.jhat.value & SDL_HAT_DOWN) DPAD_DOWN = true;
if (m_event.jhat.value & SDL_HAT_LEFT) DPAD_LEFT = true;
if (m_event.jhat.value & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) DPAD_RIGHT = true;

//if (m_event.jaxis.which == m_index) {
if (m_xinput) {
if (m_event.jbutton.button < 4) { // Directional pad (hat) on Xbox controllers are recognized as buttons //
if (m_event.jbutton.button == 0) DPAD_UP = true;
if (m_event.jbutton.button == 1) DPAD_DOWN = true;
if (m_event.jbutton.button == 2) DPAD_LEFT = true;
if (m_event.jbutton.button == 3) DPAD_RIGHT = true;
else {
Button[m_mapped_buttons[m_event.jbutton.button]] = true;
else {
Button[m_mapped_buttons[m_event.jbutton.button]] = true;

//if (m_event.jaxis.which == m_index) {
if (m_xinput) {
if (m_event.jbutton.button < 4) {
if (m_event.jbutton.button == 0) DPAD_UP = false;
if (m_event.jbutton.button == 1) DPAD_DOWN = false;
if (m_event.jbutton.button == 2) DPAD_LEFT = false;
if (m_event.jbutton.button == 3) DPAD_RIGHT = false;
else {
Button[m_mapped_buttons[m_event.jbutton.button]] = false;
else {
Button[m_mapped_buttons[m_event.jbutton.button]] = false;







Edited by Skrakle
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  On 4/18/2015 at 12:53 PM, Skrakle said:

I've been writing a c++ class using SDL in the last few days and it's almost finished. There were issues with my xbox controller, keys aren't mapped the same as regular controllers but i managed to fix it and implement a button mapping feature and now it behaves like normal controllers. It can automatically re-acquire controllers that are unplugged/replugged.


I will post the code once i'ts done, after that, i'll add lua support.


Thanks, but I'm using Lua, yea...

When you get Lua working, let me know tongue.png

Windows 7 | Intel Core i7-4790K | 16 GB RAM | Nvidia GTX 980

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