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Your Textue Painting Pipeline


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@ Olby: Yes, but try to import some obj to paint them .... you will get most an error because of the restrictions sculptris has as an sculpting programm.


@ casssius:

I have serveral proggs but not tryed all in deep, my interrest is do it someone with gimp or photoshop in an productive time or is there an easy not overloaded tool doing this in one peace.


I have most of the Steamstuff

and use for uv'ing most uunwrap

3d Coat full, Modo indie, SubstancePainter indie, silo2, Mindtex, curvy 3d




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  On 4/29/2015 at 2:05 PM, holschuh said:

@ Olby: Yes, but try to import some obj to paint them .... you will get most an error because of the restrictions sculptris has as an sculpting programm.


What restrictions? The only issue I see with importing obj into Sculptris is that it will create its own gibberish UV layout. However since I do all the texturing inside Sculptris + GIMP integration (through PSD export). I never need to look at the UV map.

Intel Core i7 Quad 2.3 Ghz, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630M 2GB, Windows 10 (x64)

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how do you paint your 3D models. I tryed some tools but all is pain and consuming much time.
I have most of the Steamstuff

and use for uv'ing most uunwrap


3d Coat full, Modo indie, SubstancePainter indie, silo2, Mindtex, curvy 3d

3DCoat is considered to be one of the best for painting, uv mapping, etc...you also have Modo Indie, Substance Painter indie, yet you still find it a pain and time consuming to paint your models? huh.png

There aren't programs that instantly paint your models by the press of a button. I find 3DCoat to be very fast for my paint jobs, including substance painter. It takes time to master anything, so if you really want to become good at it, keep practicing. It'll come. wink.png


I use UU3D, zbrush or 3DCoat to uv map. In fact, zbrush combined with 3DCoat is excellent.


ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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I use two wways :

- High poly in 3Dcoat , Zbrush, Sculptris -> Retopo and bake normal map and occlusion map -> export for painting

- Directly modeling in Blender or Silo 2 and UV -> export for painting

I use 3D coat or Substance painter, they are great to paint on diffuse , normap map, metal map and roughness maps.

Both supports PBR only, like all 3D engines that moved to PBR, we just need LE3 to get PBR some day to be able to use painted assets from these programs smile.png

Stop toying and make games

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  On 4/29/2015 at 5:39 PM, holschuh said:



cant Import faces with more than 4 Corners ís the message in sculptris.





That's simple, you just need to convert your mesh to use triangles (3 corners). LE does that on import as far as I know.

Intel Core i7 Quad 2.3 Ghz, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630M 2GB, Windows 10 (x64)

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  On 4/29/2015 at 6:49 PM, YouGroove said:

I use two wways :

- High poly in 3Dcoat , Zbrush, Sculptris -> Retopo and bake normal map and occlusion map -> export for painting

- Directly modeling in Blender or Silo 2 and UV -> export for painting

I use 3D coat or Substance painter, they are great to paint on diffuse , normap map, metal map and roughness maps.

Both supports PBR only, like all 3D engines that moved to PBR, we just need LE3 to get PBR some day to be able to use painted assets from these programs smile.png




i did this also in 3d coat but the autotopo makes not an realy low poly(most crashs) and manual retopo is a lot lot time consuming... so i use also silo 2, hexagon because of more control over the amount of faces the model have. painting is possible with 3d coat but most time you press ctrl-z because it make not what you want.(like blender).. i tryed substance painter indie short but the licence and the learning curve makes me not so happy.


the PBR crusadeph34r.png is not in my focus yet because i waste my time at the moment with the color map...


maybe i am an lousely painter blink.png

uses someone maya, mari, carrara, bodypaint from cinema4d or some other stuff ?




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i did this also in 3d coat but the autotopo makes not an realy low poly(most crashs) and manual retopo is a lot lot time consuming...

The autopo in 3DCoat is pretty good and versatile. You can SET the amount of polies, 'paint' the polycount density on your model, and even draw lines on your mesh to produce proper edge flow. And once the retopo is done, you can still tweak manually where needed. With a few mouseclicks, you can have a pretty good (low poly) retopology. Maybe you need to practice more, learn the software you use and follow some good tutorials or ask on their forum. That's my advice to you.


In any 3D modeling program, you need to practice...a lot. Each program works slightly different, but in the long run, it's all about learning the tools you have. smile.png


ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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  On 4/29/2015 at 6:49 PM, YouGroove said:

I use 3D coat or Substance painter, ".."

Both supports PBR only,


as far as i know this is not true. At least substance painter i am pretty sure can also output for normal rendering.

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. painting is possible with 3d coat but most time you press ctrl-z because it make not what you want.(like blender

It is a joke ?

3D coat has many many tools for painting like shapes, curves , region freeze , material fill etc ... any type of layers and you can paint on channels like diffuse or normal.It's super advanced and you can paint almost anything in some as easy way as photoshop with layers and tools.

I don't understand someone saying painting with 3D Coat is just possible laugh.png

Don't blame the tool , blame your lack of skills and practice sleep.png

Stop toying and make games

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Agree 3D coat is a fast developing and great tool with a nice workflow.

I use Mari (because i'm a Modo801 user) and preffer this one but sadly it comes with a steep learning curve and is costly.

Modo and Mari have a steam version. I don't know about Steam Modo but i won't advise the Mari steam version.

In your case ....I agree with YouGroove..3D coat is a great program

HP Z820 workstation / 2 x Intel Xeon Processor E5-2650 v2 8c / 64GB / Geforce 980 gtx

/ MODO801 / MARI / ZBrush 4R7 / UU3D / Substance Designer / PS

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