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Steam subscriber agreement


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Section 5 of Steam subscriber agreement says:



(.....) Some third party application software is capable of being used by businesses for business purposes - however, you may only acquire such software via Steam for private personal use.


Leadwerks 3.x is only available in Steam, so it is forbidden to sell any Programms created with Leadwerks 3.x?

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Yes, sure, Leadwerks Company says, you purchasesed this Software and its Royalty free and also allowed to sell it( in simple words and sry english is not my native language), but Steam says: you acquired Leadwerks through Steam and its forbidden to use it for business purposes, only private use.

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I think section 5 is to protect Valve from any loss by a business using software sold from its site.


I don't think it is aimed at the single user making an income from selling games made by Leadwerks.


Otherwise Steam would not sell modelling programs such as Blender, Maya etc. Nor would they sell music creation, image, or video software as the purchaser would not be able to sell their own creations.

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That is troubling indeed and a big impact on every other party's rights to freely negotiate a contract. It's not just a problem with programs such as Leadwerks but also Blender which is using the GPL and that isn't exactly a license that accepts any kind of external restrictions imposed on what the users can do with the software.


Classic Valve derp-out.

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