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Seams (Modular Components)


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Hi Guys,


So I am working on the art for myself and Nick's project. I am running into some problems when using the 'diffuse+normal+specular+displacement.shader' on our models. The results are brilliant but I am noticing that when I have my height map loaded into the displacement slot for the materials, our models seams (or edges rather) are very visible.


Here is a screenshot:




We are building our map in a modular fashion just to make it easier to build the level. How can we get rid of these

tremendous gaps between our models. All models snap to the grid perfectly so nothing is 'offset'.


Any advice or help would be much appreciated biggrin.png

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It's the displacement map. Displacement maps change the perceived geometry, so you get warping effects on edges like this, but a normal map won't do this since normal maps only take into account the lighting properties of the surface.

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Yep, your texture coordinates were off before, but now it is very very noticeable. Because of this, tessellated geometry has to be modeled very carefully. You might just use a parallax effect instead, as it will give roughly the same effect and not have such strict geometry requirements.

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With modular design sometimes it’s best to piece together larger sections in your modeling application and weld them. You still benefit from all the modular benefits but can selectively choose where to hide such issues with other geometry or pieces.

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My first Adobe purchase was Photoshop 2.0, CS6 was my last! < = >

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@YouGroove. After messing around and recalculating the normals it was me being stupid again.


I was putting in the wrong value for the normal angle.




Here is where the tunnels meet:




The models need a bit more fixing up but pretty cool results. I got a lot more models to make but with this problem out of the way its one less thing for me to clean up biggrin.png


Nick has done some sick stuff in regards to programming and starting with our game play mechanics, I will get another blog done for the progress we have made smile.png

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