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Can't start FPS Advanced Shooter template


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2 related bugs:

  1. I'm on the beta branch, but I cannot start the Advanced Shooter template. When I start a new project, I select that choice, but I get the Tutorials option instead (all 9 of the tutorial maps are there).
  2. The undocumented command SetDebugPhysicsMode(true) appears to be broken (unrecognized by the Lua interpreter). imo this should really be a standard command because it's too hard to debug the character controller without it. Either way, the FPSPlayer.lua controller used it, and it might break compatibility with that script (that's why I was checking to see if this command has been totally removed).

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I don't understand your description? I just created a new project from the FPS template with no issues.


The FPS template is just the old default project.

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