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Lensflare flickers like crazy


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Clamping is more for things like skyboxes and similar. Clamping basically means that a texture will be stretched and not wraped (repeated). It's used to prevent seems... Does have nothing to do, IMO, with lensflare flickering problem.


Lensflare should not flicker like crazy. It's either a problem with my graphics card or with LE. Has anyone used lensflare with any success?

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No problems with lens flares when I originally tested them. So either a bug in recent version(s) or an issue with your graphics/settings.

Intel Core i7 Quad 2.3 Ghz, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630M 2GB, Windows 10 (x64)

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I just added one in my scene, i've set a high range (20) and it does not flicker on my desktop pc. I sent it to my friend who has a laptop with an Intel Integrated Graphics and it flickers so it's no doubt on the hardware side (or driver).

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