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Oculus/VR support?


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I would try the demo before you buy Leadwerks based on Oculus support. It is still in beta and Oculus support for OpenGL has been kind of sketchy.

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Oculus Support worked pretty well and easy last time i tried it. Even though it can become uncomfortable depending in how your game works.


For example loading in leadwerks is a blocking process, so the screen will be stuck to your face while loading which can make you motion sick.


Also Leadwerks had some micro lags which did not helped there either. (and leadwerks works very lagfree for me without oculus so it was not my PC speed)


//Edit: It also seemed that the game itself continued running. The lag was only the headtracking i think. But i would need to try it again.

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Really all you have to do is add Window::VR to your window creation code. It even moves the camera automatically with head tracking. However, Oculus has chosen to focus on DirectX support and a recent Nvidia driver caused a problem a while back.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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