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Bones Scaling Down Overtime.


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I loaded up my demo map to add some decals, and I found out that my models with bones have shrunk down. Might be similar to this http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12680-models-and-their-bones-slowly-rotate-with-each-saveload/ However, the rotation stayed the same indicating that fix is still working.


As you can see, the scale is suppose to be 1.0, but here, it's 0.993 for X,Y, and Z. It also seems to be the root node that does this, the children don't scale down separately, only with the root.


Oh, it's also not selected red because of a shader gotcha that I've made, that's something I did.



Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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Okay, here's what the file format stores now:


euler rotation

quaternion rotation

local scale

4x4 mat


All of these values are saved to and loaded from the file format. I don't think we will see any more problems of this type.

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