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Darkness Awaits Template For 3.6+


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Hey all,


As a curiosity, over the weekend I found the old install of the 3.0 demo that included assets from the old sample game "Darkness Awaits". While models, textures of this project might be on the template, I don't think the scripts are. The engine has come a long way since 3.0 and instead of simply just porting assets into the newer engine and call it a day, I took the time to streamline code, textures, and fix things that were broken in the old demo. This way, the template is another example of how to make games using Leadwerks!


Changes include:

  • The start map has been updated visually showing off the current features of the engine such as deferred shadows and decals. There is now more Goblins!
  • Normal maps are now blue instead of the magenta color they where before.
  • Adjusted some speculator settings in most materials.
  • Removed any instances of mobile/touch controls.
  • All code works with current SDK scripts (Such as the current PushButton.lua).
  • Barbarian and Goblin models both have normal and spec maps for their sheets and weapons.
  • The Player now dies and displays a GameOver screen.
  • Player's healthbar has been fixed when the player's health reached 0.
  • Player and Goblin scripts now use the ReleaseTables script.
  • Other compatibility edits.
  • Player and Goblin scripts calls animation names instead of sequence numbers.
  • The Player's Delete() function got replaced with Release().
  • Fixed Goblin's Navigation code.
  • Goblins now stop attacking the player when they are dead.
  • Player code now creates a camera instead of the mapper having to add one.
  • Player and Goblins now have footsteps sounds.
  • Models had their shapes redone in the model editor instead of the old shape tool that's under the Legacy Features.
  • Added Crate Model.
  • Prefabs where updated/fixed.
  • Removed the switch prefab (it was broken, and broke the editor).
  • The template still uses the older App.lua due to it's menu system. However, it's been modified to include newer additions in later versions of that script. (map changing, settings via Properties)

You can download the file here on my GitHub. Install it under Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks Game Engine\Templates. Should work on both Windows and Linux. I ported this project due to the fact I felt like this game showed how to make a simple menu/startscreen in Lua without needing FlowGUI, LEX, or other things.


Also another reminder that I just did the port/fixes. "Darkness Awaits" was originally created by Josh, Chris Vossen, and other members who where involved. Again, I did this out of curiosity, and I thought it would benefit the community if it was re-released as a template. If you have any problems, let me know.



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Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks Josh! I found it an interesting project to do converting an old template to the current version of Leadwerks. It really shows how far the engine has came since. I'm all for custom template support. and I'm glad you've made the system very simple and open. :)

  • Upvote 1

Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!

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  • 5 months later...

I'm getting this error:


"F:/Development/Leadwerks/Projects/rpg_template/scripts/objects/player/player.lua" : 58 : attempt to index field 'script' (a nil value)


He can't find this script:

Failed to load component "F:/Development/Leadwerks/Projects/rpg_template/Scripts/Objects/Cameras/3rdPersonFollow.lua"

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  On 7/14/2016 at 6:00 AM, Ameshi said:

I'm getting this error:


"F:/Development/Leadwerks/Projects/rpg_template/scripts/objects/player/player.lua" : 58 : attempt to index field 'script' (a nil value)


He can't find this script:

Failed to load component "F:/Development/Leadwerks/Projects/rpg_template/Scripts/Objects/Cameras/3rdPersonFollow.lua"


Fixed, thanks. I've pushed the script to the repo. Seems it was removed from the common folder as of late.

Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!

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  • 6 years later...

This looks amazing for learning content.  Does this work with 4.6, could really open and edit all this for learning.


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Dream since child of making games! From Game Programming Starter Kit 3.0, Blitz Basic, Map Creation since Duke 3D, Game Maker, Blitz3D (of recent..2023) and many other engines and years..... never really sticking to it with inner struggles that I've had to fight along with pushing to learn and acheive.

40 years old.. came across Leadwerks on Steam... Learning slowly but surely and loving it!

Learn with me or just watch me fail! at my random Youtube Channel, as I stream adhoc while learning and using LeadWerks and other game creating tools.


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Quickly rushed to try this before bed last night. Ran it and loaded fine apart from the torches.  Then walked to a barrel and some error came up Nil something entity.  I'll try jump back on tonight and write it down. 


Glad to find this and thanks for updating it back in 2016! This could help with making custom start screens, menus etc... Relative tutorials for Leadwerks are lacking. 


Dream since child of making games! From Game Programming Starter Kit 3.0, Blitz Basic, Map Creation since Duke 3D, Game Maker, Blitz3D (of recent..2023) and many other engines and years..... never really sticking to it with inner struggles that I've had to fight along with pushing to learn and acheive.

40 years old.. came across Leadwerks on Steam... Learning slowly but surely and loving it!

Learn with me or just watch me fail! at my random Youtube Channel, as I stream adhoc while learning and using LeadWerks and other game creating tools.


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Had a little play again tonight.  The error when running the template is attempt to call method getdiatqncetoentity (a nil value). 

It flags the goblinAI script at a line with self. Target then local dis =self. Entity etc



I looked around the template in Leadwerks and study some scripts.. But noticed I can't find any scripts or details of where the start screen is setup and introduced, loading message and HUD. I found a hud folder under materials with the textures.  Where is the script and process of implementing these things in a game etc? 


Thanks again my friends. 

Dream since child of making games! From Game Programming Starter Kit 3.0, Blitz Basic, Map Creation since Duke 3D, Game Maker, Blitz3D (of recent..2023) and many other engines and years..... never really sticking to it with inner struggles that I've had to fight along with pushing to learn and acheive.

40 years old.. came across Leadwerks on Steam... Learning slowly but surely and loving it!

Learn with me or just watch me fail! at my random Youtube Channel, as I stream adhoc while learning and using LeadWerks and other game creating tools.


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