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free sound effects


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When I need something quick, I try SoundBible first. You might not find what you're looking for but there is also the Sonniss pack which from a small portion of what Thirsty Panther sent, I'm getting great use of.

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OK as tj said freesound has some screams



Here is a link to my dropbox. It has door opening sounds from psionic

and a selection of monster sounds from the Sonniss pack that reepblue mentions.



Here is the link to the sounds that reepblue used. It has a more futuristic theme and a good selection of footstep sounds.




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  On 11/6/2015 at 8:42 PM, tjheldna said:


I have used this website for over 10 years for sound effects and I highly reccommend it. Even if the sound isnt exactly what you are looking for, they can be edited in a free piece of software called Audacity - something else I would also reccommend using.

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