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[Solved or is it ? ;)] Shadow problems


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  On 12/31/2015 at 12:43 AM, macklebee said:

is it just on that one rock? in the video it didn't look like the other rocks had that issue... if its just that one rock maybe something with the material's specular texture or the model itself?

I moved the stones a bit from each other and the shadow problem exist on all of them.

Tested in another engine and no problems there. I will go through my models and materials another time though.

Thanks for the suggestion

Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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This is so weird that I do hesitate to tell it.

The shadow problem suddenly went away.

I added a pointlight into the scene for some test and then removed it so the scene became same as shown.

Now to the spooky thing. The shadow artifacts are gone. Same scene, same lighting, same settings..... ;)


So good for now ... eeeh... I think ;)

Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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