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Can't Change Material to CSG Brushes During Game Loop


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I wrote a LUA script to setup frame by frame animation, but if I try to change the material for a CSG brush during the game loop, it will not appear on the object in the game. I applied the same script I wrote to a sprite object and a cube model I exported from Blender and the material for each changed just fine during the loop. Am I doing something wrong for CSG brushes or is this a bug? Thanks!


Here is the script I wrote for testing purposes:


Script.speed = 10.0 -- float "Animation Speed"
Script.material1 = "" --path "Material (Frame 1)" "Material File (*mat):mat|Material"
Script.material2 = "" --path "Material (Frame 2)" "Material File (*mat):mat|Material"
Script.material3 = "" --path "Material (Frame 3)" "Material File (*mat):mat|Material"
Script.material4 = "" --path "Material (Frame 4)" "Material File (*mat):mat|Material"
Script.material5 = "" --path "Material (Frame 5)" "Material File (*mat):mat|Material"
Script.frames = 0
Script.currTime = 0.0
Script.currFrame = 0;
Script.mat1 = nil;
Script.mat2 = nil;
Script.mat3 = nil;
Script.mat4 = nil;
Script.mat5 = nil;

function Script:Start()
if(self.material1 ~= "") then self.frames = self.frames + 1; self.mat1 = Material:Load(self.material1); end;
if(self.material2 ~= "") then self.frames = self.frames + 1; self.mat2 = Material:Load(self.material2); end;
if(self.material3 ~= "") then self.frames = self.frames + 1; self.mat3 = Material:Load(self.material3); end;
if(self.material4 ~= "") then self.frames = self.frames + 1; self.mat4 = Material:Load(self.material4; end;
if(self.material5 ~= "") then self.frames = self.frames + 1; self.mat5 = Material:Load(self.material5); end;
function Script:UpdateWorld()
if(self.currTime >= self.speed) then

 self.currFrame = self.currFrame + 1;
 if( self.currFrame > self.frames ) then
  self.currFrame = 1
 if( self.currFrame == 1 ) then

 if( self.currFrame == 2 ) then

 if( self.currFrame == 3 ) then

 if( self.currFrame == 4 ) then

 if( self.currFrame == 5 ) then

 self.currTime = 0;

 self.currTime = self.currTime + Time:GetSpeed();

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Thanks Reepblu! I checked it out and the shader does work for CSG objects. Although, I was hoping that I could get my LUA script to work with CSG objects. It would give me a lot more control over UVs on each face of the brush as the shader does not allow you to adjust the UVs also the LUA script would be alot easier for me as I don't know how to code in GLSL.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've encountered this as well. Same exact setup with two CSG objects, one changes color only (works) and the other changes materials (doesn't work). Looking at the log it shows that the material was loaded, it just isn't being applied to the surface.


(Edit) I figured I'd include the code for my script as well:


Script.primary = "" --path "Primary Material" "Material File (*mat):mat|Material"
Script.alternate = "" --path "Alternate Material" "Material File (*mat):mat|Material"

Script.current = 0

function Script:SetPrimary()--in
self.current = 0
local material = Material:Load(self.primary)

if (not material) then
 print("[ERROR] ChangeMaterial:SetPrimary() -> Failed to load material")
 material = Material:Create()
 material:SetColor(1, 0, 1)

self.entity:SetMaterial(material, true)

function Script:SetAlternate()--in
self.current = 1
local material = Material:Load(self.alternate)

if (not material) then
 print("[ERROR] ChangeMaterial:SetAlternate() -> Failed to load material")
 material = Material:Create()
 material:SetColor(1, 0, 1)

self.entity:SetMaterial(material, true)

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It's not possible to do this at this time because there are brush commands that are not supported/exposed. The reason for this is the brush class is too complicated for people to use. It requires a lot of calls to different update functions and would be confusing.


Brushes use faces, and the face is where the material is stored. So when you set an entity material on a brush it has no effect other than storing that value.


I can expose the Brush::Build() function to Lua, but this will rebuild surfaces, normals, texture coordinates, and update the octree node, so it is not really a real-time operation.


It would be better to just change the texture of the material.

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