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Why does this all of a sudden not work?


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The most annoying script i have worked on.

So , yesterday I wanted to make a completely new set up of the rpg camera because my old one was not good.

So far everything workED , the player goes to the point where you click .


Now it doesnt . I have literally changed nothing, and I am unmotivated because today I was doing nothing, too , because of that.

Thats how you set it up:


the target of the camera is the player





EDIT: remvoed the script because you need to use window:MouseDown(1) if you want to use it with a camera pick.

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It could be that you have:


function Script:GoToPoint(destination1)
self.destination = destination1
System:Print( ">>is moving")


This function has the same name as the one you use for pathfinding.

Try changing this to something else.


I also noticed that you have a camera pick in the player and the camera script, which look like they are trying to do the same thing (It doesn't seem like an issue, but I though you should know).

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It could be that you have:


function Script:GoToPoint(destination1)
self.destination = destination1
System:Print( ">>is moving")

I also noticed that you have a camera pick in the player and the camera script, which look like they are trying to do the same thing

With the one I want to pick an enemy (because its easyer to make it directly from the player)

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Something that I always hated with the KeyDown and KeyHit, was that if you use them in multiple scripts, they can give back different results since they could have been used in a different script. I think I had similar problems with mouse Hit as well, but I am not sure.



So for instance you have two scripts, both check for the space bar hit. Script 1 says that the spacebar has been hit, but script 2 says it has not been hit. That is because Leadwerks sets a 'hasBeenHit' flag to false once you have requested it in script 1.

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