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Games shared with friends only visibility are not visible in Game Launcher


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I tried uploading my game with friends only visibility but the game wasn't listed in my friend's Game Launcher. They are able to subscribe to the game by going through my profile and it downloaded the content. Or maybe there is an alternate way to launch it?


Also it'd be nice if there was a section in game launcher that was "Subscribed".

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At this time it is not possible to do this. However, if you send them a link they should be able to launch the game launcher with your game. See the "Play" button here to see how it works:


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I've used that links like that before but with friends-only visibility the game does not appear in the Steam Games page (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/steamgames). Is the only work around to make the item public?


I opened the workshop item page for my game, got the fileid out of the url and used that as the fileid in the link you gave me (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=626762660). It appears that the item information is not made available, and there is no play button. However if I click "view in steam client" the game page will load within steam but that still only gets me a subscribe button.


Have you thought about graying out the friends-only visibility option since it is not functional?

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