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Documentation - World::ForEachVisibleEntityDo contains references to ForEachEntityInAABBDo


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The reference for World::ForEachVisibleEntityDo contains text referring to finding entities within an AABB but there is no AABB involved in this function. I suspect a copy/past error from World::ForEachEntityInAABBDo. See bold text below. Also the code example for this function creates an AABB (including comments about using it to find the entities) but never uses it.



  • camera: the camera to test visibility with.
  • callback: the function to call for each top-level entity found within the specified AABB.
  • funcname: the name of the script function to call for each top-level entity found within the specified AABB.
  • extra: an optional object that will be passed in the second parameter of the callback function.


The callback function will only be called for the top-level entities who's recursive bounding boxes intersect the specified AABB. Your callback function should be written so that it is called recursively with the top-level entity's children.

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