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camera zoom script


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I trying to make zoom in/out 3rd person camera, here is the code:

if mouseWheelPos > 0 then
if self.camDist < self.camMaxDist then
self.camDist = mouseWheelPos * 1
if self.camDist > self.camMaxDist then
self.camDist = self.camMaxDist
numer = self.camMacDist

elseif mouseWheelPos < 0 then
if self.camDist > self.camMinDist then
self.camDist = mouseWheelPos * 1
if self.camDist < self.camMinDist then
self.camDist = self.camMinDist
number = self.camMinDist


self.cam:SetPosition(Vec3(0, -self.camDist, 0))


I can say its kinda working, but need make more smoother, any tips?

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I don't know lua but in c++ this works


// ----------------------camera zoom


float deltazoom = (window->KeyDown(Key::Up) - window->KeyDown(Key::Down))*Time::GetSpeed()*0.05;

float zoom = camera->GetZoom() + deltazoom;

zoom = Math::Clamp(zoom, 0.2, 10.0);



amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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So how does one clamp zooming then as I suppose that's the next question when zooming with a 3rd person camera. I notice the z value keeps going so simply doing a max/min on the position used creates a stickiness. I suppose maybe reset each frame or keep an offset.


Although window:SetMousePosition(x, y, 0) doesn't seem to actually reset z to 0.

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