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AMD MSAA 1x bug


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Guys, I also suffer from this problem. Don't know when it started, since I haven't used LE for quite a while now, but I switched to the newest driver (15.11) and it's still there.


What I found out: When i start Leadwerks up and create a new project everything looks fine in the editor. But as soon as I switch the perspecitve mode into single viewport it looks exactly like the screenshot in the first post. I fiddled with LE's graphics settings and found out that Antialias was set to 'none'. As soon as I changed that everything was looking fine.


But well, the problem is still there when I hit 'run' or 'debug'.

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Hi Guys, not sure if my last posting got lost, so I'll try again...


I have the same problem with the newest AMD driver and the previous one as well. I'm not sure when it started since I haven't been into Leadwerks a few months. Here's what I found out:


Starting LE with one of the demo templates everything seems ok in the editor, as long as I do not change the perspective view to single viewport. It shows the same kind of rendering as in the image you see in the first post. This is the case when the antialias option in graphics options tab is set to 'none'. Everything above works fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I found something interesting. In the window where I click and drag items into the game I can force this glitch by turning anti aliasing off then fix it by making it x4 again. Is there a way I can change the anti aliasing settings for the window when I click run game?

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@slimwaffle, that's exactly what I meant when talking about the perspective mode and turning on antialias. It doesn't matter which antialias I use, though.


I already played with the antialias settings in the new radeon settings tool. I changed them for LE and also for my test applications but the graphics are still buggy.

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Yeah I'm on 4 and latest drivers and still no fix. Also now I am getting issues where when loading files are not found and shaders won't load. Is there any way to reset my LE4 so I don't have any workshop items. Just the base engine and the DLC I bought. For some reason when I fresh install it still lists all the workshop items I downloaded.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nexerade <3 Tianshee <3 TWE666q on steam found a solution guys :

Ok I did it.


Go to

-Script Editor



in line 153 self.camera:SetMultisampleMode((System:GetProperty("multisample"' date='"1")))


change 1 to 2.


This will make antialiasing 2x when player spawned.


This fixed problem for me on R9 380 4 GB [/quote']

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/21/2016 at 8:43 PM, Josh said:

Well, I certainly don't want to do that to you. Let me talk to AMD and figure this out.

Any luck with AMD? Should we open a bug report also? Bug is still present in version 16.1. Setting multisampling above 1 works except with water. Or maybe I am having a similar but different problem. I just noticed that this doesn't happen in the editor, what's different?


Radeon r9 380



Edited by thehankinator
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  On 2/2/2016 at 4:27 AM, Brutile said:

The editor uses different settings than your game. You can find the settings by clicking the settings icon at the top, then going into the viewport tab. Try to match those settings in your game.

I'm not sure where to find some of the settings(like Texture anistropy, Tessellation, etc) but I matched what I could, same results.


Anyway, the purpose of this post is to report that version 16.1.1 (released on Jan 31st) still has this bug.

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  On 1/23/2016 at 5:11 AM, ThePhoenix said:

Nexerade <3 Tianshee <3 TWE666q on steam found a solution guys :


Ok I did it.


Go to

-Script Editor



in line 153 self.camera:SetMultisampleMode((System:GetProperty("multisample","1")))


change 1 to 2.


This will make antialiasing 2x when player spawned.


This fixed problem for me on R9 380 4 GB

Can anyone confirm this?

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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it works for Fps camera, but if i try a camera that is not the one in FPSPlayer it doesnt work. Water doesnt show up properly too and ive made a SkyBox by putting a .tex in texture mode cubemap and the problem comes back on the texture within the texture editor but it appears fine in the map.

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Just discovered that changing the BallPlayer.lua in the marble game function Scrit:Start() to


function Script:Start()

self.camera = Camera:Create()

self.startposition = self.entity:GetPosition(true)


self.font = Font:Load("Fonts/Ranchers-Regular.ttf",32)

if self.font==nil then

local context = Context:GetCurrent()

self.font = context:GetFont()






will fix the problem too. So i can make games that arent FPS.

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Is there a way to edit the script of a camera in Miscellaneous objects (like a pivot), i can attach a script but it doesnt create the camera so i can't set the multisample to 2 or instead of using self.camera can i use a global function to set the multisample in a object camera?

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Ok changing the multi sample in the fps lua scipt fixes the camera for running the game. But I am having the same water texture issue as the hankinator. From above the water everything is pixelated and from underneath everything looks fine. Also I noticed that the option to change the water color in game isn't changing the color an awful lot.

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  On 9/12/2015 at 2:49 PM, slimwaffle said:

So I just updated and now I am experiencing a weird glitch. No matter what I do or add in even on starting a new project I experience weird graphical errors like the engine can't process all the graphics in the game. Even if I just add in fps player, water, day night and a single terrain texture I get this.


Not sure how much help I can be with this, but does this happen with just a camera and a CSG floor? You say it happens with the water and day night cycle, so it's possible it could just be an issue with one of these things.

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We got a lot of cooks in the kitchen and I don't think we've narrowed this down enough so I've made a small script to demonstrate the problem with minimal code. Have we confirmed that AMD has been made aware of the problem? If not I'll open a bug report. Perhaps we need to publish this (or some other example) to AMD so they can potentially reproduce the problem. I've tried this with "16.1.1 Hotfix" drivers released on 2/3/16 on a R9 380.


Press P to toggle between looking into the water and looking out. Press M to toggle between MSAA x1 and x2.


window = Window:Create("lol bugs",0,0,"1024","768",window.Titlebar)
context = Context:Create(window,0)
if context==nil then return end
world = World:Create()
local pos_a = true
local msaa = 1
camera = Camera:Create()
camera:SetPosition(0, 5, 0)
camera:SetRotation(90, 0, 0)
local box1 = Model:Box(1,1,1)
local box2 = Model:Box(1,1,1)
while window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)==false do
if window:KeyHit(Key.P) then
pos_a = not pos_a
if pos_a then
camera:SetPosition(0, 5, 0)
camera:SetRotation(90, 0, 0)
camera:SetPosition(0, -5, 0)
camera:SetRotation(-90, 0, 0)

if window:KeyHit(Key.M) then
if msaa == 1 then
msaa = 2
msaa = 1




context:DrawText("Looking into water = "..tostring(pos_a).." MSAA = "..tostring(msaa), 0, 20)





Edited by thehankinator
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