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Map::Load Hook doesn't get called


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My map loading hook is never called.


std::string mapName("Maps/test.map")
bool success = Map::Load(mapName, LoadMapHook);

void LoadMapHook(Entity* entity, Object* object)
App* app = App::GetApp();


Anyone else experiencing this issue?







He hook is called after all the entities are loaded.


Is this because the hook is for creation of entities and not just Model loading?


How can we get a hook on model loading?

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Works like:


void MapHook(Entity* entity, Object* extra)





void Changemap(std::string map)


Map::Load(map, &MapHook)



Sill works, this is what I use. Not as dynamic as Lua I've found.

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Hard to say with the little snippet of code bit it looks right. Is the map file name is correct?


This is taken from my code, it may help you, it works...


void StoreWorldPointsCallBack(Entity* entity, Object* extra)
long type = Utill::StringToType(entity->GetKeyValue("type"));

if (type != 0)
BaseObject *object = (BaseObject*)GameFactory::CreateObject(type, Vec3(), 0, false);

if (object) object->entity = entity;

GameWorld::GameWorld(std::string path) : BaseWorld(path)
if(Map::Load(path, StoreWorldPointsCallBack))
else System::Print("ERROR: Failed to load world");

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Also have you put a break point in debug mode in there to see if it's entered? If your expecting to show a loading screen during the load hook nothing will happen as Draw isn't called during that process. You need to draw a loading screen a frame before you load.

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Passing in the name of the function instead of a reference to the function works due to the fact that the function name is really just a reference to a section of memory of code to execute.


So the problem is that the function does get called, but not on Model loading, but after all the models have been loaded.

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Oh, I see it's because Josh doesn't declare the parameter as a function pointer.


#include <stdio.h>


void print();

void execute(void());


int main()


execute(print); // sends address of print

return 0;



void print()





void execute(void f()) // receive address of print







#include <stdio.h>


void print();

void execute(void (*f)());


int main()


execute(&print); // sends address of print

return 0;



void print()





void execute(void (*f)()) // receive address of print






I'll have to test it out as well. How many entities do you have? Are you expecting CSG to call this because those won't.

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  On 5/11/2016 at 3:58 PM, martyj said:

@Rick, that wouldn't work during map loading as it's done on the main thread.


Another hook would be nice. For Model::Load.


I'm not following why you are thinking that matters. The majority of people here only use the main thread anyway and you can still update the visuals inside the callback function if a progress bar is needed.

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