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I hate UAC....


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Vista, I hate it... anyway.. I have changed the class.lua collision list to use a different custom list...


When I run Editor is running the old LUA, when I edit the class.lua in Scripteditor, I see the following line (What it was before my changes...


group:AddProperty( "collisiontype", PROPERTY_CHOICE, "None,Prop,Scene,Character,Trigger", "Collision" )


If I edit the file using Textpad or notpad the same line says...


group:AddProperty( "collisiontype", PROPERTY_CHOICE, "None,Static,Grass,Trees,Prop,Zone,Player,Friendly,Enemy,Nuetral,Trigger,Lineofsight,FriendlyFF,Enemy,FF,NeutralFF", "Collision" )


I have seen this before with vista using UAC when the editor uses the appdata path which contains a copy of the file edited... but I checked the appdata path contains no LE or LUA files...


Anyone any thoughts on what this could be...

If it's not Tactical realism then you are just playing..

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  On 3/11/2010 at 12:30 PM, VicToMeyeZR said:

reboot your computer. Sounds like your Lua state isn't renewing.


I found the problem, Vista UAC maintains a cache copy of all "program files" in the appdata folder this is were LUA editor and Editor pull the scripts from here if they exist, if not then it pulls from from the program files proper... not sure how this cache is created and why, but once I deleted this folder everything worked fine....

If it's not Tactical realism then you are just playing..

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