Chiblue Posted March 12, 2010 Share Posted March 12, 2010 I have built some changes into the LUA scripts for collisions becuase I wanted to have more control over the collision system... this is my new class.lua require("Scripts/core") require("Scripts/filesystem") require("Scripts/string") require("Scripts/math/vector") require("Scripts/constants/properties") --Creates a class from a model reference object function CreateClass(modelreference) local class={} local super={} class.instances={} classtable[modelreference]=class class.modelreference=modelreference classnametable[]=class --Print("Creating class " super.class=class class.super=super --Initialize the property editor dialog function class:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:AddGroup( "General" ) group:AddProperty( "Name", PROPERTY_STRING ) group:AddProperty( "Position", PROPERTY_VEC3 ) group:AddProperty( "Rotation", PROPERTY_VEC3) group:AddProperty( "Scale", PROPERTY_VEC3, "" ) group:AddProperty( "Active", PROPERTY_BOOL ) group:AddProperty( "Enabled", PROPERTY_BOOL ) group=grid:AddGroup( "Appearance" ) group:AddProperty( "Material", PROPERTY_FILE, "Material Files (*.mat):mat" ) group:AddProperty( "Color", PROPERTY_COLOR, "1" ) group:AddProperty( "Intensity", PROPERTY_FLOAT, "0,4,2" ) group:AddProperty( "Order", PROPERTY_INTEGER, "0|-16,16,0" ) group:AddProperty( "viewdistance",PROPERTY_VEC2,"","View distance" ) group:AddProperty( "castshadows", PROPERTY_CHOICE,"Disabled,Dynamic,Static", "Cast shadows" ) group:AddProperty( "Hidden", PROPERTY_BOOL) group:AddProperty( "occlusionculling", PROPERTY_BOOL, "", "Occlusion culling") group:AddProperty( "aligntoground", PROPERTY_BOOL,"", "Align to terrain" ) group=grid:AddGroup( "Physics" ) group:AddProperty( "Mass", PROPERTY_FLOAT ) group:AddProperty( "Friction", PROPERTY_VEC2 ) group:AddProperty( "collisiontype", PROPERTY_CHOICE, "None,Static,Grass,Trees,Prop,Zone,Player,Friendly,Enemy,Neuetral,Trigger,Lineofsight,FriendlyFF,EnemyFF,NeutralFF", "Collision" ) group:AddProperty( "Buoyancy", PROPERTY_BOOL ) group:AddProperty( "Gravity", PROPERTY_BOOL ) group:AddProperty( "sweptcollision", PROPERTY_BOOL,"","Swept collision") end --Remove the class from the global tables function class:Free() Print("Freeing class " classtable[modelreference]=nil classnametable[]=nil self.super.class=nil self.super=nil self.instances=nil end --Create a new instance of this class function class:CreateObject(model) local object={} local super={} object.model=model object.class=self objecttable[model]=object self.instances[model]=object super.object=object object.super=super object.keyslocked=0 object.enabled=1 ------------------------------------------- --Base object functions ------------------------------------------- function object:SetKey(key,value) local intensity,r,g,b,a,color,v if key=="color" then intensity=tonumber(self.model:GetKey("intensity","1.0")) if intensity==nil then intensity=1.0 end color=string.Explode(value,",") r=tonumber(color[1]) g=tonumber(color[2]) b=tonumber(color[3]) a=tonumber(color[4]) if r==nil then r=255 end if g==nil then g=255 end if b==nil then b=255 end if a==nil then a=255 end self.model:SetColor(Vec4(r/255.0*intensity,g/255.0*intensity,b/255.0*intensity,a/255.0),1) elseif key=="enabled" then self.enabled=tonumber(value) elseif key=="gravity" then model.usegravity=value elseif key=="active" then elseif key=="viewdistance" then local t=StringToVec2(value) self.model:SetViewDistance(t.x,t.y,1) elseif key=="friction" then v=string.Explode(value,",") x=tonumber(v[1]) y=tonumber(v[2]) if x==nil then x=0 end if y==nil then y=0 end self.model:SetFriction(x,y) elseif key=="buoyancy" then self.model.buoyant=tonumber(value) elseif key=="sweptcollision" then self.model:SetSweptCollisionMode(value) elseif key=="collisiontype" then if(value == 0) then newvalue = 0 elseif(value == 1) then newvalue = 2 elseif(value == 2) then newvalue = 3 elseif(value == 3) then newvalue = 4 elseif(value == 4) then newvalue = 5 elseif(value == 5) then newvalue = 10 elseif(value == 6) then newvalue = 20 elseif(value == 7) then newvalue = 30 elseif(value == 8) then newvalue = 40 elseif(value == 9) then newvalue = 50 elseif(value == 10) then newvalue = 6 elseif(value == 11) then newvalue = 7 elseif(value == 12) then newvalue = 11 elseif(value == 13) then newvalue = 12 else newvalue = 1; end self.model:SetCollisionType(newvalue,1) elseif key=="mass" then self.model:SetMass(tonumber(value),0) elseif key=="intensity" then intensity = tonumber(value) if intensity==nil then intensity=0 end value=self.model:GetKey("color","255,255,255,255") color=string.Explode(value,",") r=tonumber(color[1]) g=tonumber(color[2]) b=tonumber(color[3]) a=tonumber(color[4]) if r==nil then r=255 end if g==nil then g=255 end if b==nil then b=255 end if a==nil then a=255 end self.model:SetColorf(r/255.0*intensity,g/255.0*intensity,b/255.0*intensity,a/255.0,1) elseif key=="position" then v=string.Explode(value,",") x=tonumber(v[1]) y=tonumber(v[2]) z=tonumber(v[3]) if x==nil then x=0 end if y==nil then y=0 end if z==nil then z=0 end self.model:Fix() self.model:SetPositionf( x,y,z, 0 ) return 0 elseif key=="occlusionculling" then EntityOcclusionMode(model,value,1) elseif key=="rotation" then v=string.Explode(value,",") x=tonumber(v[1]) y=tonumber(v[2]) z=tonumber(v[3]) if x==nil then x=0 end if y==nil then y=0 end if z==nil then z=0 end self.model:SetRotationf( x,y,z, 0 ) self.model:Fix() return 0 elseif key=="hidden" then if value=="0" then model:Show() else model:Hide() end elseif key=="scale" then v=string.Explode(value,",") x=tonumber(v[1]) y=tonumber(v[2]) z=tonumber(v[3]) if x==nil then x=1 end if y==nil then y=1 end if z==nil then z=1 end self.model:SetScalef( x,y,z ) return 0 elseif key=="material" then if value~="" then local material=LoadMaterial( "abstract::"..value ) self.model:Paint(material,1) end elseif key=="castshadows" then self.model:SetShadowMode(tonumber(value),1) end return 1 end function object:GetKey(key,value) local intensity,r,g,b,a if key=="position" then return self.model.position.x..","..self.model.position.y..","..self.model.position.z elseif key=="mass" then return self.model.mass elseif key=="sweptcollision" then return self.model:GetSweptCollisionMode() elseif key=="rotation" then return self.model.rotation.x..","..self.model.rotation.y..","..self.model.rotation.z elseif key=="buoyancy" then return self.model.buoyant elseif key=="scale" then return self.model.scale.x..","..self.model.scale.y..","..self.model.scale.z elseif key=="collisiontype" then if(value == 0) then newvalue = 0 elseif(self.model.value == 1) then newvalue = 2 elseif(self.model.value == 2) then newvalue = 3 elseif(self.model.value == 3) then newvalue = 4 elseif(self.model.value == 4) then newvalue = 5 elseif(self.model.value == 5) then newvalue = 10 elseif(self.model.value == 6) then newvalue = 20 elseif(self.model.value == 7) then newvalue = 30 elseif(self.model.value == 8) then newvalue = 40 elseif(self.model.value == 9) then newvalue = 50 elseif(self.model.value == 10) then newvalue = 6 elseif(self.model.value == 11) then newvalue = 7 elseif(self.model.value == 12) then newvalue = 11 elseif(self.model.value == 13) then newvalue = 12 else newvalue = 1; end return newvalue elseif key=="gravity" then return model.usegravity elseif key=="friction" then return model.staticfriction..","..model.kineticfriction elseif key=="color" then intensity=tonumber(self.model:GetKey("intensity","1")) return (self.model.color.x*255.0/intensity)..","..(self.model.color.y*255.0/intensity)..","..(self.model.color.z*255.0/intensity)..","..(self.model.color.w*255.0) elseif key=="castshadows" then return self.model:GetShadowMode() elseif key=="material" then if self.model.material~=nil then return self.model.material:GetName() end elseif key=="active" then if then return 0 else return 1 end elseif key=="enabled" then if self.enabled==0 then return 0 else return 1 end else return value end end function object:LockKeys() self.keyslocked=1 end function object:UnlockKeys() self.keyslocked=0 end function object:ReceiveMessage(message,extra) if message=="hide" then self.model:Hide() elseif message=="show" then self.model:Show() elseif message=="activate" then self.model:Show() elseif message=="deactivate" then end end function object:Free() self.class.instances[self.model]=nil self.class=nil objecttable[self.model]=nil self.super.object=nil self.super=nil self.model=nil end ------------------------------------------- --Hack so we can call self.super:function() ------------------------------------------- object.SetKey_=object.SetKey object.GetKey_=object.GetKey object.LockKeys_=object.LockKeys object.UnlockKeys_=object.UnlockKeys object.ReceiveMessage_=object.ReceiveMessage object.Free_=object.Free function super:SetKey(key,value) return self.object:SetKey_(key,value) end function super:GetKey(key,value) return self.object:GetKey_(key,value) end function super:LockKeys() self.object:LockKeys_() end function super:UnlockKeys() self.object:UnlockKeys_() end function super:ReceiveMessage() self.object:ReceiveMessage_() end function super:Free() self.object:Free_() end ------------------------------------------- --Set any default keys here. --You want to set them after the SetKey function is declared. object.model:SetKey("intensity","1.0") return object end ------------------------------------------- --Hack so we can call self.super:function() ------------------------------------------- class.InitDialog_=class.InitDialog class.Free_=class.Free class.CreateObject_=class.CreateObject function super:CreateObject(model) return self.class:CreateObject_(model) end function super:InitDialog(grid) self.class:InitDialog_(grid) end function super:Free() self.class:Free_() end ------------------------------------------- return class end These are my collision constants... COLLISION_NONE=0 COLLISION_TERRAIN=1 COLLISION_STATIC=2 COLLISION_GRASS=3 COLLISION_TREES=4 COLLISION_PROP=5 COLLISION_ZONE=10 COLLISION_FRIENDFIELD=11 COLLISION_ENEMYFIELD=12 COLLISION_NEUTRALFIELD=13 COLLISION_PLAYERBODY=20 COLLISION_PLAYERMESH=21 COLLISION_FRIENDBODY=30 COLLISION_FRIENDMESH=31 COLLISION_ENEMYBODY=40 COLLISION_ENEMYMESH=41 COLLISION_NEUTRALBODY=50 COLLISION_NEUTRALMESH=51 COLLISION_TRIGGER=6 COLLISION_AILINEOFSIGHT=7 The problem is when I use any collisions in my C++ program they always have an entity type of 5555 or 55555, terrain was 55555 and my props are 5555 even though I set the collisiontype in the class script. Obviously I have done something wrong and this is my first time with LUA so I it's all trial and error... sorry in advance if the reason is really stupid... oh and I am using gamelib to load the scene... thanks and sorry again if i am being stupid... Quote If it's not Tactical realism then you are just playing.. 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macklebee Posted March 12, 2010 Share Posted March 12, 2010 A CHOICE_EDIT selection for the collisiontype returns the index number selection of the pulldown list. So your collision constants should be numerically from 0 to 19. The numbering should match the order that the collisiontypes are listed inside the Choice_Edit, with 0 = None and NeutralFF = 19. (Well, depends... you only have 15 items listed in the InitDialog() but have 19 listed in your collision constant file...) Also, I see no reason at all why the standard SetKey() that comes with the normal class.lua should have been changed at all. These lines should still work: elseif key=="collisiontype" then self.model:SetCollisionType(value,1) but you will probably need to set the Collisions() relationships up inside C++ to get these new ones to react the way you want them to react. Note that the collision_const.lua file is for just relating the naming of the collisiontypes (like COLLISION_CHARACTER) to a number that a game script's SetCollisionType() would recognize. And for a lua gamescript, you would need to also edit the start/collisions.lua file for these new collision relationships. Quote Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon macklebee's channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chiblue Posted March 12, 2010 Author Share Posted March 12, 2010 I understand the relationship of collision type with index in the pull down, that is why I built the if so that when I select a collision type I translate the index to the collision type I want. I have a setup the lua collision script to assign te apprioriate collisions because if I constants in my program for the entity type it al works, if I use the collision types from the scene it does not. I believe you are correct that the set and get for the value is my problem but I do not have 19 types but I have grouped them into divisions of 10 for each "class" ie. Player entities are 20-29, enemy are 30-39 although I currently only use 20 and 21. Due to the index I have to translate this index to my true collision type. Quote If it's not Tactical realism then you are just playing.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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