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Req: 3D Tunnelling R&D Papers

Scott Richmond

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Hi guys,


Currently working on a project that focuses around a 3D isometric grid-based environment whereby one mines out rock to build a city/base (Think Dungeon Keeper 2). I want to modernise things a bit and move away from the age old replace block with destroyed and animated dust and rubble approach. I'm trying to perform some research into the topic and what methods are out there to build upon. So far I've had little success, especially in regards to the Newton engine. I've seen the dynamic slicing of models to induce dynamic destruction, but I'm not convinced that is the best way to go yet.

I'll definitely keep looking and I've got a few ideas I'd like to prototype, but I'm also looking for any resources or ideas that any of you could impart to speed up the process.


Thank you.

Programmer, Modeller

Intel Core i7 930 @ 3.5GHz | GeForce 480 GTX | 6GB DDR3 RAM | Windows 7 Premium x64

Visual Studio 2008 | Photoshop CS3 | Maya 2009

Website: http://srichnet.info

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I would use a method similar to how terrain is done but instead of it being 2d make it 3d.


ie make you level made up out of a 3d cube grid/mesh (like a Rubik cube) and take a piece away when it's mined, like removing a block from a Rubiks cube.


Its then down to how you make the removed space appear, you could place different shaped rough stone/mud to fill the edges.

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