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Java and leadwerks


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It's possible use your 3D engine with JAVA ?


I see that on devmaster.net about your 3D engine :


Programming Language C/C++, Java, C#, D, Delphi, Pascal, BASIC, Ada, Fortran, Lisp, Perl, Python, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET


But i see nothing about use leadwerks with Java language on your site web ? It's really possible ? If yes how make that


How much weight your dll ? It's possible use in Applet java ?



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It's quite difficult to use dlls in Java.

You actually have to compile another wrapper dll:




And I think it would not work/be allowed in an applet. Not unless you bought a security certificate. And even then it would still only work on the Windows platform.


The entry for Leadwerks Engine on devmaster is quite old and contains wrong information.

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Yes , for an applet with hardware accelerated you must signed your applet(because dll). And it's more interresting use a cetificate signed by trusted authority.


In World java 3D you have two binding OpenGL but it's just a "binding" for openGL not an engine 3D(SceneGraph): LWJGL and JOGL are very good, many games use this apis(notably wakfu).


But the Big problem in Java you have not 3D "engine professional" , just open source project like Java Money Engine . This engine is stable but you have lot of issues with importer/loader objects.And the skinning animation are not really performant.


In theory , it's possible use your engine with Java Native Interface but it's lot of work , you must rewrite all interface public methods.

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