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FBX not loading


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I bought an environment pack and exported it to FBX from Max as I usually do. However, in bringing it into the editor, I don't see anything either in the Model Editor or the scene. What's odd is that the icon representation on the right looks like it's correct (a bunch of low-poly buildings and props) and the Model Editor gets the vertices and faces (which it calls polygons) close enough.




I calculated normals just to see if that would help. I then tried to resize the model. Neither changed anything.


Also, I made sure the model was centered on 0, 0, 0 in Max.


Any suggestions?

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The model might be enormous. Try scaling it down to 1% and see if it appears.


If the default position is like 10,000 units on any axis, that's a clue.

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Wow, just barely caught a little line in the editor and zooming in found the buildings off in the boonies. But why is the town not centered on 0, 0, 0 and the pivot, like in the FBX?


Edit: for those wondering, you can right-click on the submeshes and hit Go To to center on one, which is convenient here.


So I'm just throwing numbers at it and trying to figure out what happens. Not sure why setting the model to a certain height didn't work earlier (should I report as a bug?). And the pivot should be in the center of the models like in the FBX despite the scale (another bug?).


Edit 2: Scaling the town down to even smaller than it should be still has it be out in the boonies, relative to the pivot, which is at 0, 0, 0.


Edit 3: I tried to recreate the problem by texturing 3 boxes in Max over the outer ends of the town then deleting everything but the boxes and exporting them. They imported fine, not even needing to be scaled (and seen normally in Model Editor). Could it be just the large number of faces glitching something out? I guess I'll deal with this more tomorrow.

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Josh, just a heads up that I PM-ed you the simple project and an FBX that will replicate the problem. I spent some time trying to fix it by scaling the original up or down and nothing seemed right. I'm not sure if maybe FBX doesn't do the export well or what but it might not be just a scaling issue.

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