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Reflection edge artefacts when using probes + msaa


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It's a subtle issue, but around the edges of objects lit by an environment probe is a thin line of pixels, the colour of the pixels is determined by the diffuse buffer. This doesn't occur when anti-aliasing is disabled.





In the following image I modified the probe shader to simply fill it's volume with a solid colour. object boundaries within the volume display correctly (#2). However, where object edges meet areas that fall outside the volume, the artefacts are visible(#1).




By looking at the edges close up it seems that material buffers are anti-aliased but the probe shader result is not, notice the jagged edge highlighted by the green line.




(Speculation here, but I guess there is some kind of masking happening to cull pixels that fall outside the probes volume in worldspace. If so my guess would be aliasing on that mask is causing the issue. Unfortunately I don't think I can fix this purely in the shader.)


It's not a huge issue, but can result in a quite visible outline on reflective objects.

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