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Loading Lightmap via script

Michael Betke

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Is is possible with a .lua script to load and display a second UV-channel which contains a lightmap?

I have an object. UV1 is my texture. UV5 are my lightmap UVs.

The Lightmap is a huge texture for a bunch of objects whith baked shaodws.


I now want to blend it over my UV1.


Is there a way with .lua so I can use it for every level I do?

Pure3d Visualizations Germany - digital essences

AAA 3D Model Shop specialized on nature and environments

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Thanks for your reply.

In the old LE forums a guy posted this:


(This is the .vert shader?!)

uniform mat4 MeshMatrix;

varying   vec3 Normal;
varying   vec4 pos;
varying   vec2 texCoord0;
varying   vec2 texCoord1;

#ifdef BUMPMAP
  varying vec3 bump_t;
  varying vec3 bump_b;

void main(void)

  gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;

  mat3 nmat = mat3(MeshMatrix[0].xyz,MeshMatrix[1].xyz,MeshMatrix[2].xyz);   




  #ifdef BUMPMAP
     bump_t = nmat * gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz;
     bump_b = nmat * gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz;

  gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * pos;


And this as a .frag

uniform vec3 CameraPosition;

varying   vec3   Normal;
varying   vec4   pos;
varying   vec2   texCoord0;
varying   vec2   texCoord1;

  uniform   sampler2D   DIFFUSEMAP;

#ifdef BUMPMAP
  uniform   sampler2D   BUMPMAP;
  varying   vec3      bump_t;
  varying   vec3      bump_b;

  uniform   sampler2D   LIGHTMAP;

void main(void)

  #ifdef BUMPMAP
     vec3   nNormal   = texture2D ( BUMPMAP, texCoord0 ).rgb * 2.0 - vec3 ( 1.0 );
     vec3   nNormal      = normalize( Normal );

  vec3   CamVector   = normalize( CameraPosition - pos.xyz );
  vec3   LightVector;
  vec3    HalfVector;

     vec3   color      = texture2D(DIFFUSEMAP,texCoord0).rgb;
     vec3   color      = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);

  vec3   diff      = vec3(AMBIENT);   
  float   spec      = 0.0;   
  float   SHINE      = 50.0;   
  float   SHINESTRENGHT   = 0.2;   
  float   dist;   

  #ifdef LIGHTMAP
     diff      = texture2D(LIGHTMAP,texCoord1).rgb;

  #ifdef LO1pos

     LightVector   = normalize(LO1pos-pos.xyz);
     HalfVector   = normalize(CamVector+LightVector);
     dist      = length(LO1pos-pos.xyz);

     #ifdef BUMPMAP
        vec3 lt = vec3 ( dot ( LightVector, bump_t ), dot ( LightVector, bump_b ), dot ( LightVector, Normal ) );
        vec3 ht = vec3 ( dot ( HalfVector, bump_t ), dot ( HalfVector, bump_b ), dot ( HalfVector, Normal ) );

        #ifndef LIGHTMAP
           if (dist<LO1range)
              diff   = vec3(max ( (1.0-dist/LO1range)*dot ( nNormal, lt ), AMBIENT ));
        spec      = pow ( max ( dot ( nNormal, ht ), 0.0 ), SHINE );

        #ifndef LIGHTMAP
           if (dist<LO1range)
              diff   = vec3(max ( (1.0-dist/LO1range)*dot ( nNormal, LightVector ), AMBIENT ));
        spec      = pow ( max ( dot ( nNormal, HalfVector ), 0.0 ), SHINE );


  float   shine=min(SHINESTRENGHT * spec,1.0);
  gl_FragColor = vec4 ( color * diff + vec3 ( shine ), 1.0 );


Taken from this thread: http://www.leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4628&p=40933&hilit=lightmap#p40933


So what are the steps I have to do?


In 3dmax:

rendering my lightmap and exporting it with the model


In LE:

-saving above shaders as .vert and .frag

-doing a material using these new shaders for my lightmap textre (?)

- then ??

Pure3d Visualizations Germany - digital essences

AAA 3D Model Shop specialized on nature and environments

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