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A standalone build wont loud sound


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Well basically i've experienced an issue two times, with two completely diffrent games from two completley diffrent users. And a map dosent load probarly(crash) beacause a sound file is not loaded correctly. An easy fix is to copy the sound file and add it to the rot of the game. But this leaves all the sound files wide open, and you have to run two copies of each sound file in your standalone build.


recreate by publishing a game standalone with sounds and load maps using these sounds. And the bug should happen.


Or i donnu if its a bug or not, but seems kinda stupid if its not, remeber this has happend two times from two diffrent sources

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Thanks! I got it figured out and updated it for you. :)


You must update your project to get the new EXEs.


P.S. cool sparks.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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