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A Monthly Script Challenge

Thirsty Panther

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The Leadwerks game challenges are very popular but are few in number and require some time to complete.


So I was wondering if the Leadwerks community would be interested in a monthly script challenge.

The idea would be to set a script challenge, such as making a grenade, and giving people a month ( or 2) to submit a solution. The best solution would then be put in the workshop for others to use and learn by.


The advantage of the challenge would be that it promotes activity on the forum, increases the assets in the workshop and helps newer users to learn the engine.



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I think it's a good idea. May be best if the theme is quite general so that people can find a suitable solution that they are capable of coding and also to come up with some imaginative and varied items. This way there may be several workshop worthy items that are different, rather than just ending up with trying to judge the best in a narrow field . 'Best' may be hard to judge.


It would be good that people aim to produce a good quality item for the workshop and this is born in mind by the participants. However at the same time producing anything of any quality by anyone is also better than nothing and much can be learnt by the creator and also others involved just by participating.


Perhaps some sort of review at the end as Josh does might be good to point out good aspects of different items (thus there doesn't have to be a best). Or the submitter is encouraged to say a line or 2 on submission and these can be used as the text in some sort of summary forum post so forum searches have some change of picking up these items.

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This is a great idea.Anything that produces example code in lua or c++ ( or both) would be welcome.

I suggested a "How to" sectin in the forum a long time ago. This is similar idea.

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amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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Ok, a nice response to the script challenge idea. Now how to implement it.


@ mdgunn I understand your idea that the challenge should be broad so as to get a variety of responses but I was thinking that it should be more goal orientated so that the script solves a particular problem. I realize this will result in many successful scripts. So the winner would be the one that has the best comments within the script that explain what is happening. So the winner will not only provide a working script it will also serve as a teaching aid.


Rules of the competition would be along the same lines as the rules for Workshop submissions. Must be your own work, use assets that are royalty free, happy for others to use your script for commercial use etc.

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The game tournaments actually started as a community-run thing. I only took it over once it was a success. You are welcome to initiate a new community-driven contest of your own, but I am not doing one at this time. Good luck!

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Good idea, maybe have a locked post in forums that will serve as an index for the entries/winners for easy access.


Something like this:

Year 2016 month 11 - descriptive title

all entries

Year 2016 month 12 - title



Please make this for both lua and c++.

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I made this with Leadwerks/UAK:

Structura Stacky Desktop Edition


Binary Station

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@ Aggror my idea is for the scripts to be submitted in the form of a map. That way a new user will have the script in an example map and hopefully this will make it easier for them to understand how it works.


@ aiaf I think the Workshop is a better place for the scripts. As you can see in Ricks thread a lot of the links no longer work which is frustrating for new users just trying to find a script.


In regards to accepting both Lua and C++. I'm happy to accept C++ scripts but my knowledge of it is on the wrong side of none. So I don't think it would be fair for me to judge others scripts. I will only judge Lua submissions.

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