Rick Posted November 29, 2016 Share Posted November 29, 2016 After making a lot of "demos" over the years I find that in game creation there are a lot of points where you want to do something on a given interval. I'm playing around with converting monster.lua to a state machine and it does this in there as well. When in the idle state every 250ms it looks for a target. The part that's sort of a pain is that we make variables (I do the same thing) to hold the last check time. This is fine when it's 1 or 2 but when you have a lot of these kinds of checks or you do this in many games over and over again, it makes sense to think about different ways to do it that won't clutter up the script with "worker" type variables (the cleaner the script the way easier it is to manage later). I don't have the exact idea yet but I'm curious if others have ideas on a better way to handle something like this. It feels like it would be easier to somehow inline the command that says "every 250ms do this code". Something like: function Script:Idle_Update() DoEvery(250, function(self) self.target = self:ChooseTarget() if self.target then self.stateMgr:ChangeState("chase") end end) end Maybe something built into the entity itself that is specifically for running functions at intervals and it manages tracking that? It would just be nice to have to worry about game type stuff vs "system" type stuff when making games. Now I like making systems, but when I'm making games I prefer using systems and in this case, making a variable to track it and then checking the timing and updating the timing is just busy work distracting me from doing what I really want, which is run some code every X ms. Any thoughts/comments/concerns welcome. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamecreator Posted November 29, 2016 Share Posted November 29, 2016 My version would probably be something like: // Returns true when time interval has passed bool DoEvery(int* timerindex, int interval, bool recurring); Don't know what this would look like in Lua. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted November 29, 2016 Author Share Posted November 29, 2016 what is timerindex in your example? Since you're passing a pointer in I assume it's a variable you have to make? The point of the system would be that you don't have to make such a variable yourself to track since it clutters up your code with worker stuff instead of having your code be more intent oriented. The intent of the code is to run some code every interval. Anything else you have to make or check for that to happen isn't part of the intent of your code from a person reading it. In C++ imagine having a lambda expression for the code you want to run vs doing an if statement with your function above. Just need to think of a way to automatically track the last time for that specific call. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted November 29, 2016 Share Posted November 29, 2016 It would be nice if there was a way to write code more like this: PlayAnimation()--plays animation through one time MoveToPosition(5,4,0)--moves slowly over a period of time Turn(90)--moves slowly over a period of time MoveToPosition(6,4,0)--moves slowly over a period of time Know what I mean? Coroutines might be a way to achieve this kind of thing. Quote My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamecreator Posted November 29, 2016 Share Posted November 29, 2016 On 11/29/2016 at 8:19 PM, Rick said: what is timerindex in your example? It would have been a single global variable/index which tracks which timer you're working when the function is called but you might as well just pass a number as an ID, like AGK does. In hindsight, the index might not work. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted November 29, 2016 Author Share Posted November 29, 2016 On 11/29/2016 at 9:00 PM, Josh said: It would be nice if there was a way to write code more like this: PlayAnimation()--plays animation through one time MoveToPosition(5,4,0)--moves slowly over a period of time Turn(90)--moves slowly over a period of time MoveToPosition(6,4,0)--moves slowly over a period of time Know what I mean? Coroutines might be a way to achieve this kind of thing. Yes coroutines can give us that style. I've done that before in le but this thread is about different functionality. It's solving a different problem than that. What you have there is cinema stuff. @game actually and index number would work. In C++ that could be a key to a map. In Lua a key to a table. It still means I'd have to be aware if I had multiple calls like this in a script to use a unique number per call which kind of sucks but I think there isn't any other way around it and at least it doesn't clutter up my Start function with a bunch of worker variables. None that I see in the code anyway as this function would automatically add them to the object and check for their existence at runtime. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thehankinator Posted November 29, 2016 Share Posted November 29, 2016 I wrote a small helper for scheduling a callback after x milliseconds. It's been really useful for my AI scripts. It's not locked onto a specific time function so that you can create a timer that will not tick while the game is paused. If you are interested I'll post it but from the user end it looks something like this: function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.some_condition_met then TimeKeeper:Add(250, self.Dosomething, self, arg_val) end end function Script:Dosomething(arg) --do some work or whatever! end I've used it for periodic stuff also like this: function Script:Start() TimeKeeper:Add(250, self.Dosomething, self, arg_val) end function Script:Dosomething(arg) --do some work or whatever! TimeKeeper:Add(250, self.Dosomething, self, arg) end Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted November 29, 2016 Share Posted November 29, 2016 Here's an example where this would be useful. I added "Sleep" and "Wake" script functions and modified the sliding door script so it's more event-driven. Now the only reason I need the UpdatePhysics() function is to make the door automatically close after a given period of time: function Script:UpdatePhysics() --Automatically close the door after a delay if self.closedelay>0 then if self.openstate then local time = Time:GetCurrent() if time-self.opentime>self.closedelay then self:Close() end end end end A delayed function call would be ideal: entity:CallFunction("Close",self.closedelay) I like this because it is more event-driven, and it also doesn't require the UpdatePhysics() function to be constantly called each loop. But a big problem is that if the door gets opened again by anything, that delayed Close function is no longer desired. So how do we resolve that? SlidingDoor.luaFetching info... 1 Quote My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted November 30, 2016 Author Share Posted November 30, 2016 I suppose one way would be to have another parameter that is a function that needs to return a bool. Before the engine is ready to call the Close function it runs this parameter function and if that returns false it won't run Close? Sort functions sort of work the same way. table.sort takes a function and the return result helps determine the sort. In this case the return result helps determine if it should be ran. We could make it an anonymous inline function since those have access to any Scipt variables which a flag could be set if the door gets opened and that's what you'd return. entity:CallFunction("Close", self.closedelay, function return self.doornotclose end) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted November 30, 2016 Share Posted November 30, 2016 Here's a working version. Notice you can pass in any arguments to the function call (yay Lua!): function CreateDelayedFunctionCall(object,func,delay,arg0,arg1,arg2) --Create table for function call info local call = {} call.object = object call.func = func call.args = {arg0,arg1,arg2} call.time = Time:GetCurrent() + delay --Store the function call if DelayedFunctionCalls==nil then DelayedFunctionCalls={} end DelayedFunctionCalls[call]=call --Remove the function call function call:Cancel() DelayedFunctionCalls[self]=nil end --Execute the calle function call:Execute() call.func(call.object,self.args[1],self.args[2],self.args[3]) DelayedFunctionCalls[self]=nil end return call end function UpdateDelayedFunctionCalls() if DelayedFunctionCalls then local i,k local tm = Time:GetCurrent() for i,k in pairs(DelayedFunctionCalls) do if tm>i.time then i:Execute() end end end end The door open function now looks like this: function Script:Open()--in if self.enabled then self.opentime = Time:GetCurrent() --Create delayed function call if self.closedelay>0 then if self.delayedclosecall~=nil then self.delayedclosecall:Cancel() end self.delayedclosecall = CreateDelayedFunctionCall(self,self.Close,self.closedelay) end if self.openstate==false then self.joint:SetAngle(self.openangle) self.openstate=true self.component:CallOutputs("Open") --Play a sound if self.sound.open then self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.open) end --Play a looping sound if self.loopsource~=nil then self.loopsource:Play() end end end end You need to call UpdateDelayedFunctionCalls() once per loop, but it only executes needed functions instead of updating a lot of dormant entities each frame. 2 Quote My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted November 30, 2016 Author Share Posted November 30, 2016 Below is how it would maybe look like with the state manager class I have. The benefit is dropping the need for those flag variables in the script and less nested statements which makes it easier to read and follow. Script.enabled = true --bool "Enabled" Script.startingState = "Close" --text "Starting State" Script.openAngle = 90 --float "Open Angle" Script.closedAngle = 0 --float "Closed Angle" Script.openSound = "" --path "Open Sound" Script.closeSound = "" --path "Close Sound" function Script:Start() self.sounds = {} self.sounds.openSound = Sound:Load(self.openSound) self.sounds.closeSound = Sound:Load(self.closeSound) self.stateMgr = StateManager:Create(self) -- this automatically looks for functions like Open_Enter, Open_Exit, Open_Update and if there, calls them based on the state self.stateMgr:AddState("Open") self.stateMgr:AddState("Close") -- this just sets the active state but doesn't call the *_Enter() function for it (since in this case we wouldn't want the sound we are doing to play) -- and it ignores the enabled flag passed into self.stateMgr:Update() self.stateMgr:SetInitialState(self.startingState) end -- since in a door there are only 2 states this can be called from flowgraph to get the other state and pass it into ChangeState() below function Script:GetNegateState()--arg if self.stateMgr:GetActiveState() == "Open" then return "Close" end return "Open" end -- input from the flowgraph function Script:ChangeState(state)--in self.stateMgr:ChangeState(state) end function Script:Open_Enter() self.joint:SetAngle(self.openAngle) self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.open) self.component:CallOutputs("Open") -- change to the close state in 5 seconds (if Open is called again before the state changes to Close the delayed function call will simply reset its timer) self.stateMgr:ChangeState("Close", 5 * 1000) end function Script:Close_Enter() self.join:SetAngle(self.closedAngle) self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.close) self.component:CallOutputs("Close") end function Script:UpdateWorld() -- if self.enabled == false then no states will be changed even if self.stateMgr:ChangeState() is called self.stateMgr:Update(self.enabled) end If states were built into entities then the code gets a little cleaner. If that was the case then ideally ChangeState() would be an input to ALL entities on the flowgraph automatically. Script.enabled = true --bool "Enabled" Script.startingState = "Close" --text "Starting State" Script.openAngle = 90 --float "Open Angle" Script.closedAngle = 0 --float "Closed Angle" Script.openSound = "" --path "Open Sound" Script.closeSound = "" --path "Close Sound" function Script:Start() self.sounds = {} self.sounds.openSound = Sound:Load(self.openSound) self.sounds.closeSound = Sound:Load(self.closeSound) -- this automatically looks for functions like Open_Enter, Open_Exit, Open_Update and if there, calls them based on the state self.entity:AddState("Open") self.entity:AddState("Close") -- this just sets the active state but doesn't call the *_Enter() function for it (since in this case we wouldn't want the sound we are doing to play) -- and it ignores the enabled flag passed into self.stateMgr:Update() self.entity:SetInitialState(self.startingState) end -- since in a door there are only 2 states this can be called from flowgraph to get the other state and pass it into ChangeState() function Script:GetNegateState()--arg if self.entity:GetActiveState() == "Open" then return "Close" end return "Open" end function Script:Open_Enter() self.joint:SetAngle(self.openAngle) self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.open) self.component:CallOutputs("Open") -- change to the close state in 5 seconds (if Open is called again before the state changes to Close the delayed function call will simply reset its timer) self.entity:ChangeState("Close", 5 * 1000) end function Script:Close_Enter() self.join:SetAngle(self.closedAngle) self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.close) self.component:CallOutputs("Close") end function Script:UpdateWorld() -- wouldn't need anything state related here as that could be updated by the engine end I actually just thought about having ChangeState() accept a delayed time. I think that's a useful idea with the state manager class. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted November 30, 2016 Author Share Posted November 30, 2016 I don't want to edit my post above because it screws up the formatting I worked so hard to get . One of the bigger things to notice is that you end up with nice and small functions that are very concise. It also helps remove nested if's. In your example you go 3 layers deep. That's what happens when you're managing states in a more brute force manner. It's unavoidable almost when doing things that way. With states those are masked in the state manager class making the gameplay code easier to read and maintain. This was a simple door but the AI scripts have even more nesting levels and a lot more bigger functions doing more than they should. State managers help keep functionality separated into their own concise methods. Combined with adding a delayed state change handled automatically by the state manager I think it offers a good 2 for 1 deal Note the idea of automatically giving every entity node on the flowgraph a ChangeState(state) input. It could also benefit from automatically giving outputs for Enter()/Exit() for every state defined as well. This is where I think having the ability to add states via the editor would help at design time. It makes the code even less and cleaner. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted November 30, 2016 Share Posted November 30, 2016 Why would you want to replace the self-apparent "Open" and "Close" functions in the flowgraph with an ambiguous "ChangeState" function? Quote My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted November 30, 2016 Author Share Posted November 30, 2016 With the engine as is you probably wouldn't (I did just to setup the idea of the 2nd code snippet where it was built in but the users wouldn't have to code it as each node would get it automatically). If LE had states built into entities then it would be a more generic way of changing states for any entity and people would be used to the idea of entity states to direct the flow to the functionality they want. For a simple door you're right why bother with that. But for an object that has more states having one input vs all possible it starts to make more sense from a visual node perspective. Also it's a common interface for all entities. However instead of the current arg method it would be best to have some kind of drop down that lists all possible states that one could change too and that hard coded value from the flowgraph is passed in for that connection. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted December 1, 2016 Share Posted December 1, 2016 Ah cool. Play around with my code above and see how well this works in real usage. I feel like there's some kind of higher-level script feature we could add that would make life simpler and easier, but I am not seeing it yet. Quote My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted December 1, 2016 Author Share Posted December 1, 2016 If I had to critique it I'd say: - Replace your arg values at the end with 3 dots (...) as that's how you get unlimited arguments. Inside a function is a special variable then called arg which is a table of all the arguments that could be in the ... When you pass them to the function to call you can pass the arg var to the unpack() function and it'll place them into each individual parameters of the users function by order they are in the arg table. That's makes your function truly generic so we don't have to make our own if we want more arguments. - I think you'd want to remove the call after it was called once. So giving that object to the user could invalidate the object if you did that which might lead to them using it. If you don't remove the object it's function will just keep getting called which isn't desirable. [Philosophical rant] Simpler and easier comes with structure and less choices. More choices (freedom) is harder. You're providing little functions here and there but hesitant to provide structure around how people make games with Leadwerks. We see game engine succeed both with freedom and structure. Structured game engines are often more newbie friendly. What I see is that you dip your toe into structure but don't go all the way in. One could really take the Leadwerks API and make a very structured game engine from it because it's so free and open. This doesn't mean "here is a fps template and you mod it". It really means providing the common game design structures for your users. The pathfinding is an example of toe dipping by you and it was a HUGE success! There are more structured systems out there that you can adapt to Leadwerks though. You went big with the pathfinding but you're hesitant to go big with other things and your mind goes to little functions here and there vs implementing a system. You implemting Raycast DEFINED how people do pathfinding in Leadwerks. You removed the freedom (not really but when you officially do something the majority use it) and people loved it! Think bigger than single functions. [edit] Just for the record I think behavior trees for ai is that next thing that would be as big as pathfinding was. Then I think state machines built in for structure is another. Finally a cinema maker using coroutines would be on that list too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted December 1, 2016 Share Posted December 1, 2016 Here's the code modified to use unlimited arguments: function CreateDelayedFunctionCall(object,func,delay,...) --Create table for function call info local call = {} call.object = object call.func = func call.args = {...} call.delay = delay call.time = Time:GetCurrent() + delay --Store the function call if DelayedFunctionCalls==nil then DelayedFunctionCalls={} end DelayedFunctionCalls[call]=call --Remove the function call function call:Cancel() DelayedFunctionCalls[self]=nil end --Execute the calle function call:Execute() if self.args~=nil then self.func(self.object,unpack(self.args)) else self.func(self.object) end DelayedFunctionCalls[self]=nil end return call end function UpdateDelayedFunctionCalls() if DelayedFunctionCalls then local i,k local tm = Time:GetCurrent() for i,k in pairs(DelayedFunctionCalls) do if tm>i.time then i:Execute() end end end end Quote My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted December 1, 2016 Share Posted December 1, 2016 Quote The pathfinding is an example of toe dipping by you and it was a HUGE success! There are more structured systems out there that you can adapt to Leadwerks though. You went big with the pathfinding but you're hesitant to go big with other things and your mind goes to little functions here and there vs implementing a system. You implemting Raycast DEFINED how people do pathfinding in Leadwerks. You removed the freedom (not really but when you officially do something the majority use it) and people loved it! Think bigger than single functions. Whenever I read discussions about this kind of thing, in any forum, anywhere, there are a few things that turn me off from it: There's always a lot of indecipherable diagrams that have no obvious relation to game behavior. I never understand what they are talking about. They can never give any examples except extremely simplistic ones, like a page of code to make a light turn on. It seems more about conforming to some abstract ideal than actually getting work done. If you want to impress me, show me how something like this would be able to achieve the exact same result as one of our existing scripts, using less code. Quote My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted December 1, 2016 Author Share Posted December 1, 2016 I'll replicate the LE monster with my behavior tree lib I made work with LE. I used this in our Dino game for the dinosaurs but they were pretty basic and people probably didn't notice the fact that they found food and would remember where food was as they came across it and go there if they got hungry later. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick Posted December 2, 2016 Author Share Posted December 2, 2016 I think this covers the main idea of the crawler. Now I just fill in code for each node. The oval ones are conditions so they are simple. Just checking flags in the crawler script. The rounded rectangles are the actions. I'll have to translate what you have in the crawler code for those. I have family over this weekend but hoping to get to those Sunday evening sometime. After I do that I had an idea to expand it to have the crawler look for a health pack if its health is less than 50, and if it's health is less than 25 to explode . That would look like the below. The cool thing is with this editor (http://behavior3js.guineashots.com/editor/#) I can map out how I want my AI to look before doing any code. Once I get how I want the AI to work I go and create the code for each node which is its own LUA file in the way I have the system setup. My vision would be we have a big library of nodes that anyone can create and people can piece them together with the visual editor to make different behaviors. Some behaviors would require certain things to exist in the world editor. For example hiding behind a barricade would require something to be classified as a barricade so the node could possibly do a ForEachEntityInAABBDo() looking for the entity defined as a barricade and figure out which side it needs to be on (where is it being shot from). Then a person simply drops that node in here and their AI now has that functionality. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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