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GetMousePosition on fulscreen is off


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In continuation of this topic: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15517-fullscreen-and-mouse-position-issue/


When retrieving the mouse position in fullscreen mode (no titlebar), the mouse position is off.


If you move the mouse to the middle of the screen

  • My monitor has a resolution of 2560 x 1440.
  • So the middle X mouse position would be 1280.
  • When using Titlebar + FullScreen the value is around 1280.
  • When using only FullScreen the value is 1022.

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aiaf figured out the cause:


Go to Display Settings -> Change the size of text, apps, and other items

I had it set to 125% and had those issues


If i set it to 100% Leadwerks behaves as expected.


I don't have any issues with other non-leadwerks games when having this setting on 125%. So I asume developers can access the windows 10 lib to ignore this value.

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