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Terrain optimization


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I read something about Leadwerks terrain optimization with camera culling...

On the left screen terrain is shown from far away and its 33K polys, on the right screen its close enough, but engine anyway renders those 33K. Is this a "feature or bug"? :lol:



Working on LeaFAQ :)

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"feature or bug"?


in 3DWS?

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did you create the terrain in 3DWS?

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so where does 3DWS come into it?

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"I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head"

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I think Vetal is asking if the triangles of the terrain mesh that are not in the camera's view are supposed to be getting culled. His screenshots show that the same number of triangles are being drawn up close as when he is zoomed out.

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I did some quick tests in the 2.31 Editor and from what I can see frustum culling is working on terrain. It's just when you initially create the terrain the camera is quite close and the number of polys showing (typically around the 33k range) is already a reduced (culled) quantity. As you move the camera upwards you start to see the polys climb until the camera distance starts to cull them. I'm not sure how Josh is calculating the polys inside the frustum but it seems to move in definite block sizes.


So if your already pretty close you will not see much difference in the poly count regardless of what features you are looking at.

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I understand about global optimization (just played with forest demo-level), but...

Well, so if i'd look at the terrain from close distance (so i'd see only some hundreds polygons, like on the right picture), engine would render 33K polys anyway?

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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The engine culls large chunks of the terrain. For modern graphics hardware, 33,000 triangles is nothing, especially when our largest terrains are 33 million triangles.

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  • 3 years later...
  On 3/29/2010 at 9:15 AM, Josh said:

The engine culls large chunks of the terrain. For modern graphics hardware, 33,000 triangles is nothing, especially when our largest terrains are 33 million triangles.




I agree with 33K of triangles on map, but here goes my question. I created some custom map for Insurgency in hammer and I hit max triangles number in view (not map, but in view, displayed in game). It was source engine bsp limit, I not remember number. Is here same limit in leaderwerks? I just started, looks friendly and promsing for me.

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