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Latest 4.3Beta Spotlight and SSR shader causes black light in walls or CSG


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1)Open new project

2)Create new map

3)Create big box as ground

4)Create spotlight

5)Rotate the spotlight so that the direction is toward the box

6)Make sure the light hit the ground and below or into the box.

7)add SSR shader the the post processing effect.






This only happen in viewport. You can also notices this bug in the AI and Event map.




*It is actually HDR+ any post processing effect added will cause this bug. This is the same bug as here



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Someone else is having this bug also and yes this bug is also from 4.2. Since it is still not fixed, I thought I should report this bug again for 4.3






*actually if you add any post processing effect will cause this bug. Turning off HDR in settings will make it disappear like the post above.

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So its an issue with HDR - ok, yes I can confirm that. I do not have HDR typically turned on and there was no mention of it in your first post, so I was not seeing the issue. So this is a duplicate bug report. Hopefully Josh will get to this eventually.

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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So its an issue with HDR - ok, yes I can confirm that. I do not have HDR typically turned on and there was no mention of it in your first post, so I was not seeing the issue.


Yup. I thought it was SSR until i read about the other post that it actually HDR + any post processing effect causes the bug.

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There's really no reason to use HDR right now, since it makes no visible difference in any shaders that I see, but thanks for noting this.

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