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Prefab's Child Entity Scripts' Start Function Not Called


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Based on this post by Phoenix88: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15629-entitys-childs-start-function-does-not-get-called/#entry104340


and the previous closed bug report from Rick: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11252-prefab-children-not-getting-scriptstart-called/page__hl__prefab+children


Prefabs that have child entity scripts are not calling their Start() functions when loaded via code. The scripts appear to be loaded since the Start() function can be called:

prefab = Prefab:Load("Prefabs/Pivot_crawler.pfb")

child = prefab:FindChild("Crawler")



Loading a prefab from Map:Load() works but not from Prefab:Load(). It's almost like the 'Prefab.NoStartCall' flag is hardcoded on the child entities.


Attaching example application that has a map that loads a prefab consisting of a pivot and a scripted crawler as its child and the exact same prefab next to it loaded via code.


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