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So i was intrigued on the fact you can make and use elevator systems in leadwerks, i finally after a week of watching youtube videos and reading forums got it to finally move up a floor, but now i can't seem too figure out when i interact with it by pressing "E" in run mode, i keep grabbing it and shaking it like a rattle. Does anyone know how too make it a rigid body and do it's one job to go just up and down? Thanks

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Thanks for pointing out the Mass part, it did fix the pick up issue, now just too deal with why the script either elevator or liftwaypoint won't let me send the elevator up or down am i suppose too put a separate button all together to command the elevator ? Thanks

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ok so im once again stumped with the elevator, i watched the tutorials, taking notes, following scripts. I did get the push button too work on the elevator and it does go up and down, but now i can't get it too stop at the second floor, it will just automatically go up than right back down, and the height will not change i tried changing it from 19 to 2000 it still goes up only so far than right back down. Im using the flowgraph system, with sliding door.lua and pushbutton.lua on control. Thanks

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newbie question. Is that C++ programming that i will need to learn to script? I never done this before making games or C++ or lua, might have 55 hours into LE. If it is, how hard is C++ to learn with just basic computer knowledge? Thanks again for all your help

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