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4.4 Beta: Kinematic Joint Breaks When Object Is At Rest

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I've been revisiting my FPS script by implement the newer way of handling carried objects. I'm happy with the results so far, however, I've noticed that after I've picked the box up and held it in the air still; and then tried to move while still holding the object, the box will just be stuck there, and it's still awake.

Then I tried the stock FPS template to see if it was my code, and it happens there too, also got a hang second time I tried it.

Pretty much:

  1. Open Pickup Objects Map of the FPS Template
  2. Pick up a box.
  3. Bring it to the air and then hold it in the air for a moment.
  4. Try to move.
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Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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