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Is there Dynamic Global Illumination?

Lord Seppuku

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Just a quick question, I've been exploring the technologies of other engines and I've seen some very unique lighting techniques for global illumination in real-time. Is there any technology implemented within the Leadwerks to allow this feature, or is there any way to implement Nvidia's tech (Voxel-based Global Illumination, as seen in the Unreal Engine) through the use of their GameWorks SDK which requires direct contact to the OpenGL implementation (I believe, don't quote me on this)?

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I have an idea, by using that technique and adding radiance from the edges of the reflection based on color detection in the first-pass,  I could probably fake GI. Though, one thing with GI (VXGI), it allows for reflections. I'll probably have to add PBR before SSR (Love me some of that sweet, sweet, PBR).

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