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Can no longer texture a single surface


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I'm not sure quite what's happened here.

I can no longer texture a single surface. If I click on the 'Select Face' button, then choose my surface, there is no option to change the texture under the 'Scene' tab on the right. If I use the 'Select Object' button, I can texture the entire object.

Any ideas why this might be happening?

I'm also having trouble working out exactly how Environment Probes work. From what I'm aware, you click on Create then Environment Probe, then adjust the size of the probe. Then click 'Tools > Build Global Illumination'. I seem to recall probes giving a nice reflection effect, but this doesn't seem to be happening either?

I've also returned to Leadwerks after not using it for quite some time. My laptop died and I've finally gotten around to getting a shiny new desktop system instead!

Edited by Angelwolf
Added Environmental probes question!
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Hi, Angelwolf!



I can no longer texture a single surface. If I click on the 'Select Face' button, then choose my surface, there is no option to change the texture under the 'Scene' tab on the right. If I use the 'Select Object' button, I can texture the entire object.

Any ideas why this might be happening?



I've tried and it work. Can you recheck and do it the same as I do as:
1 - Select the brush you need to change with the "select object" icon
2 - Once the object is selected (red), press the "select face" icon
3 - Click on the face you want to change, it should become red (only the face you want)
4 - Drag a material over it from the ASSET tab. The materials are spheres.


I'm also having trouble working out exactly how Environment Probes work. From what I'm aware, you click on Create then Environment Probe, then adjust the size of the probe. Then click 'Tools > Build Global Illumination'. I seem to recall probes giving a nice reflection effect, but this doesn't seem to be happening either?


You seem to use it right. That are the steps I'm used to do. If you want the nice reflection effects, you need also to add (with the reflection probes), the SSR shader (Screen space reflection) on the post process filter list.

If you look the screenshot, the SSR post process filter is ON and if you look at the truck, there is nice reflections on it. Be careful that the SSR will use the specularity factor on all the environment to do it's trick. Some models you have in your map might have too much reflections. I had to tweak the values on the building you see in the screenshot has it was too shiny and had a grass mesh giving reflections. Just lowered the specularity a bit on the material and it fixed it.ScreenSpaceReflections.thumb.JPG.041415d2f1d569f26e308e25261ee6ac.JPG

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Thank you so much! It was the SSR shader that was missing!

Of course, I needed to drag it from the asset tab! Doh!

Thanks for the fast answers - I can get underway again. Funny how after a while without using the system, you seem to remember the more complex bits but forget the simple ones.

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