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gameplay ideas


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I have a new project set in medieval times. It starts with the player having to escape from a dungeon which has iron bars as a door. How can the player break out? Maybe one of the guards could drop a key on the floor, but that sounds too easy. its not a commercial game. Any ideas? just for fun.

amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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Some interesting ideas but quite challenging of my ability. I don't do my own animations and I have no sitting down characters.

I think it could go like this... the user  would push the player straight toward the door and find that it will not open. At this point there is no key on the floor outside the cell, but then  after a short delay a drunken guard goes past and drops a key. So the player would have to look a second time to find the key. If he attempts a quick escape he is recaptured but if he waits for dark then he gets away.


What the rest of the game is about I don't have a clue.

amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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Start in a hanging cage. Player needs to run back and forth to make the cage swing towards a wall that has the keys on it.

Or same idea but you need to swing towards a guard sitting down and sleeping in a chair. Once you have the key you escape and leave the area or kill the guard.

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Or to make it programmatically simple but adventurous:

Start in a cell where there is just a door, and a high window going outside. Can't open the door, locked. Go inspect high window, bars are loose and one falls off. Pick the bar up, it becomes your first weapon. Inspect the bars again and the player begins hitting the bars breaking it open. When it opens guard comes and opens the door to see what is happening, you need to kill the guard. Player can loot guards body for keys to storage chest where they get their starting items.

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In a medieval film I saw that a subject is locked in a dungeon. Inside it was armor of soldiers. What he did was take a suit of armor, tie it to a sheet and throw it out the window, which was hanging from the tower.

Then he began to shout that they would help him, the people and the soldiers thought that it was the prisoner who wanted to escape through the window of the tower and became entangled. But in reality he was behind the door shouting, so the solados arrived opened the door they stood by the window of the tower and the man escaped when crossing the door.




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