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C++ Or Lua??


Go to solution Solved by shadmar,

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I used to be C++ but I'm Lua all the way now. Way more flexible. You fight less with the language but it can be more error prone since it's not compiled, but you get used to running/testing after small changes. Never code some giant system and then test it in Lua. It'll drive you insane because you've probably fat fingered about 10 different things and the errors they don't always point to the actual error in case of missing an 'end' or whatever.

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Listen to Rick.


Definitely going to want to prototype in Lua for sure.
I would do everything in Lua and then use C++ as the crowbar to get around anything special you are attempting to do.

I think you'll find you never really need the "crowbar" to do something during the short term of learning the engine, editor and API Lua/C++ itself.

If you are some kind of game making genius the reason to listen to Rick is the flexibility.  Also when you start using the C++ API of Leadwerks it is not absurd to assert you will code faster having faster iteration cycles with Lua first and less throwing objects at the wall to see what sticks for a solution.

There are a lot of C++ peeps on here that are knowledgeable.  I haven't seen a survey on this site but it would be curious to see how many C++ peeps using this engine started relying on Lua instead of doing everything with pure C++ for quick prototyping, etc. I know Josh likes to gather data and metrics and then make decisions instead of ignoring the former and basing it on emotional outcome.  He might be able to chime in on the ratio of Lua to C++ projects with this engine(?)

Lua and Leadwerks are more than capable of making prototypes and even working games without ever touching C++.  Just a courtesy FYI.

Edited by devcjohnson
Forgot to mention the C++ is fully supported but try Lua if you have not done so yet.
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For some reason I'm thinking about entering the c ++ world, and I think the motivation is in leadwerks. My goal is not to make a video game, at least for now, if not rather learn, and the new challenge may be focused on c ++. Thanks for the comments.




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4 hours ago, shadmar said:

Tuve que cambiar a c + + para obtener esto lo suficientemente rápido. En lua la generación de malla tomó mucho más tiempo y fps estaba tartamudeando a 5 fps.



Any documentation to learn how to create a mesh for a planet?




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/22/2017 at 8:35 PM, shadmar said:

I had to switch to c++ to get this fast enough. In lua the mesh generation took alot longer and fps was stuttering at 5 fps.


Good example of when to use C++!  This is a computationally expensive task. :D

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