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Difficulty drawing Widgets


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Hi guys,

I'm trying to get the hang of drawing a GUI but falling rather short on actually getting anything to draw correctly. Right now I can create a button, but it only renders for a single frame when i hover the mouse over it and un-hover. So this leads me to believe that I need to perhaps render it every frame?

Here's a test example:

#include <Leadwerks.h>
using namespace Leadwerks;

int main( int argc,const char *argv[] )
    Window *window = Window::Create( "Some game", 100, 100, 400, 400, Window::Titlebar );
    Context *context = Context::Create( window );

    GUI *gui = GUI::Create( window );
    Widget *button = Widget::Create( "Some Button", 100, 100, 100, 100, gui->GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua" );


    while( !window->Closed() )
        //button->Draw( 100, 100, 100, 100 );
        context->Sync( true, 60.f );


    return 0;


Now, if I uncomment the Draw function I get an exception thrown on the following line.

Thanks in advance for any help.



Just found this useful thread: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/16487-understanding-new-gui-widgets/


Would calling Button::Redraw() every frame be the right way to go about this?

And while I'm here, is there also a way to hook the event of button press in c++ or does it have to be done with lua?

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1 hour ago, gamecreator said:

As far as I can tell, none of the widget or GUI commands have C++ examples, which is a little disappointing.  I tried to get it working here but it was buggy at the time: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/16418-gui-commands-meant-to-be-cumulative/
Not sure if Josh ever fixed it or if I was even using it right.

Cool, thanks for this ... I realised that GUI::Create() has 2 other overloads earlier, but I'm not sure why I didn't try using context instead of the window. Using context instead seems to solve my problem (also Enable() and Show() are not necessary - from my example). Now I'll try some event research and see if I can get some stuff working.


Cool, and it works:

if( EventQueue::Peek() )
        Event event = EventQueue::Wait();

        if( event.id == Event::WidgetAction )
            //do stuff here

And then from here, I can edit Widget.h to store a function pointer which I can assign when creating the widget, and then call from it from inside the above, like so:

Object *source = event.source;

Widget *widget = dynamic_cast<Widget*>( source );

Thoughts on this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to bump this but I really was hoping to get some advice here. Is there any current setup in C++ for some type of event handling with widget's other than what I've tried already? I was hoping for a better way, but also when compiling in Release Mode assigning a function pointer as a member variable to a Widget causes break points.

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22 hours ago, GorzenDev said:

as far as i know that is the only way.


Hmm okay, but do you have any idea as to why it may be causing break points when I compile and run in release mode (At exactly when I assign the function pointer to the widget)? Because strangely enough it only happens *most* of the time ... sometimes it can run just fine, but runs fine every time in debug mode.

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6 hours ago, St0nedas said:

Hmm okay, but do you have any idea as to why it may be causing break points when I compile and run in release mode (At exactly when I assign the function pointer to the widget)? Because strangely enough it only happens *most* of the time ... sometimes it can run just fine, but runs fine every time in debug mode.

i am not sure to be honest i have never tried assigning a function pointer to a widget.
i usually just check event.source against a widget pointer and call a specific class function corresponding to that widget.

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