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Will Leadwerks Instance Models In A Scene?


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Pretend I create a level like this in 3DS Max: 4bea9e1d447ca06f33b5eebe18274fd2--ds-gam

If I export this level as a single FBX, does Leadwerks recognize that the boxes (and grass and whatever else) are exactly same and automatically instance/optimize them?  I assume the answer is no as this is a very special case but just curious.  And if not, is there an easy way for me to optimize this myself?  As I type this out, I figure I can just go through all the entities, remove the boxes and re-create/position them and that would probably do it.

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I suspect not.  Didn't think format dealt with instances but not really speaking from a position of any significant knowledge.  

Why would you want to do this (I'm sure there are good reasons)? 

Are you trying to design the level in Max and not have to re-create in Leadwerks?   

If that is the aim how about putting nulls/empties (whatever max uses for the term) or maybe a bone if empties don't work. If you have a name you would later recognise in a script in Leadwerks you could locate these elements and place a mesh there (so gaining instancing from Leadwerks I think?).

Alternatively maybe you need a script to run through the map elements in max and write out some data which you can then read in later in Leadwerks.  E.g. you generate a lua script setting up a table with elements of position, type etc. for boxes etc and Leadwerks creates instances.

Dunno what max is like but I would of thought this fairly simple to do in Blender (if you have a small amount of scripting knowledge - which I have only seen a little of but I think is probably not very difficult).

Max must have some equivalent but if not you export the FBX from Max, import to Blender and run the script there.

Maybe you need to give us a little more information on the WHY bit so we understand the overall goal?  


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Thank you for the post.  I prefer to use Max simply because I'm faster with it and it has more features, like being able to move vertices.

I have no problem with replacing models by looking at the entity names.  I'm just curious if this optimization is needed at all.  Worst case I can set up a test scene and compare the performance but Josh could just say either way.

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