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Exit Zed


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Exit Zed is my submission for the Halloween 2017 tournament. Wasn't sure if this was the place to post it but some others seem to have.

Get it here:


My main aims was to brush up on a workflow for generating levels and generating my own meshes in Blender.

Making a fun game was sort of secondary, sorry.  The game design I wanted kept changing and what is in here is not at all what I wanted but just what I had to drop in at the last minute. Standard FPS fare, shoot stuff and run mostly.

You should be able to get to the end but I've yet to put a 'nice' end in place and the game will probably quit out.  You should know that you reach the last exit though.

The zombies may seem a bit bugged and get back up on you.   This was going to be the intention though in it's current state it probably seems more like a bug.

Standard FPS controls. Torch may be useful in some cases - it won't run out either!

Exe is called escape zed, not sure at what point I changed my mind but I hadn't updated the project to reflect the name change.  I'll probably change it again but for now I'll go with Exit Zed as the official title.

Gun sounds need to be toned down a lot so apologies for that.

EDIT: Just checked the build again.  Seemed to play to end fine before but possible crash a few maps in.   Will need to check again later tomorrow.

EDIT2: Tried it again, didn't crash.  See how you get on.

EDIT3: A few more shots from development.











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