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problems of fbx file format


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When i impor tmy file in fbx from 3ds max to leadwerks i get some erros, in 3ds max the object is clean !!

in other engine exported in .X format the object works perfectly


with FBX i get this result, hidden edges from a bolean opération are visibles !!!!

this doesnt happens in obj, or .x files but with fbx it sucks !!! 


it is a solution??? can i import in another format than fbx?????



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You're using the Autodesk FBX Export, right?  When I export, under Geometry, I only have Smoothing Groups, Convert Deforming Dummies to Bones and Preserve edge orientation checked and the FBX File Format is ASCII, FBX 2014/2015.  I'm sure other settings work too but try those and see if that works for you.  I've had no issues with static or animated models.  If you want, I can also look at your model and try to export it myself.

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