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Numbers not showing up on screen?

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I just got a new computer I started having this problem. Seems like I've encountered this before but can't remember how to fix it but my numbers aren't showing up on start except for in one of the scripts. If I hit ESC then click somewhere random they appear and I can hit ESC again and it's fine. If I hit ESC and click randomly they appear but if I then hover the mouse over the words in the GUI they disappear again. How to fix this?


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It appears this format shows up on start:

    context:DrawText("Ammo: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo, 20,108)

...but this does not:

    context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 20, 108, 100, 30, Text.VCenter+Text.Center)

It works fine with ReepBlue's Luawerks so perhaps there's something missing in the Leadwerks Main.lua or Menu.lua which accounts for this? I just don't know where to look.



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Both of those work fine, even though there is no reason to use 'string.format()' in your example.


window = Window:Create("example",0,0,400,400)
context = Context:Create(window)
world = World:Create()
light = DirectionalLight:Create()
camera = Camera:Create()

counter = 1400
toggle = 0
myfont = Font:Load("Fonts/arial.ttf", 24)

clip = 10
Ammo = 100

while not window:KeyHit(Key.Escape) do
	if window:Closed() then return false end

	if toggle==1 then counter = counter + 10 end
	if toggle==0 then counter = counter - 10 end
	if counter>=1400 then toggle = 0 end
	if counter<=10 then toggle = 1 end


	context:DrawText("Ammo: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo, 20,108)
	context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 20, 248, 300, 50, Text.VCenter+Text.Center)


At this point, you really need to provide something that we can try that replicates your issue. There is a reason no one has replied to your post - there's not enough information provided for anyone to do anything other than guess at what you are doing wrong. Actually provide a simple example that shows the problem that people can try and more than likely someone can help you.

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Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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macklebee's channel

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Thanks for the reply. I just tried your code here. Same problem. Not sure why but it's not working for me with the standard Leadwerks Main.lua. The only format that shows up is:

context:DrawText("Ammo: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo, 20,108)


If I use Luawerks instead it works fine, they all show up. So if you have bought Luawerks you can switch the Main.lua back and forth and see. That's the best replication I have right now. I presumed someone would have encountered this and I know a lot of you guys can just troubleshoot these things in your head. Not sure what it is about the Luawerks system that makes it work that is missing in the original.

Here's one of my scripts where the text isn't showing up in case you want to see if I'm doing something wrong:

Script.overlayPath = "" --path "Texture" "Tex file (*tex):tex"
Script.timeBarColor = Vec4(255,128,0,255) --color "Timebar Color"
Script.fontColor = Vec4(1,1,1,0.8) -- color "Font Color"
Script.maxTime = 150 --int "Countdown Time"
Script.radius = 35 --int "Radius"
Script.cirPos = Vec2(100,180) --Vec2 "Circle Position"

function Script:Start()

    self.font = Font:Load("Fonts/arialbd.ttf", 10)

    self.player = self.entity:GetParent()
    self.camera = self.player.script.camera

    self.endtime = 0
    self.timer = self.maxTime

    if self.overlayPath ~= "" then
        self.overlay = Texture:Load(self.overlayPath)

function Script:UpdateWorld()
    self.timer = self.timer - Time:GetSpeed()/100
    if     self.timer < self.endtime then
        self.timer = 0

function Script:GameOver()
    self.player.script.health = 0

function Script:PostRender(context)

    local x = 0
    local y = 0
    local r = self.radius
    local G = 1000
    local countdown = self.timer/self.maxTime
    local p = self.radius + self.radius/5

    w = context:GetWidth()/context:GetWidth() + self.cirPos.x
    h = context:GetHeight()/2 + self.cirPos.y

    --draw overlay
    if self.overlayPath ~= nil then
        context:DrawImage(self.overlay, w-p, h-p, p*2, p*2)

    -- draw circle
    for k = 0, G do
        a = 360 / G * k *(countdown)

        X = -(r * Math:Sin(a)) + x
        Y = -(r * Math:Cos(a)) + y

        context:DrawRect(X + w, Y + h, X/5 , Y/5, 1)

    --draw text
    context:DrawText(string.format("%.0f",self.timer), w-14, h-14, 30, 30, Text.VCenter+Text.Center)

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5 hours ago, macklebee said:

Both of those work fine, even though there is no reason to use 'string.format()' in your example.

Drawtext is bugged when used with the built in GUI. Looks like a gui redraw issue.

The following shows the problem. Hit escape for menu, then click outside the buttons.


window = Window:Create("example",0,0,800,600)
context = Context:Create(window)
world = World:Create()
light = DirectionalLight:Create()
camera = Camera:Create()

counter = 1400
toggle = 0
myfont = Font:Load("Fonts/arial.ttf", 16)

clip = 10
Ammo = 100

local gamemenu = BuildMenu(context)

gamemenu.newbutton:SetText("RESUME GAME")

while window:Closed()==false do
	if gamemenu:Update()==false then return end

	if toggle==1 then counter = counter + 10 end
	if toggle==0 then counter = counter - 10 end
	if counter>=1400 then toggle = 0 end
	if counter<=10 then toggle = 1 end

	if gamemenu:Hidden() then

	context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo1: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 100, 80)
	context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo2: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 30, 100, 300, 250, Text.VCenter+Text.Center)
	context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo3: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 100, 300)


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Using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit/Core I7-2700K @ 4312mhz/24G RAM/Nvidia GTX 1060

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This above is what was needed to be provided to help troubleshoot. An example that demonstrates the issue. So from the looks of it, anything that uses the undocumented, new DrawText() with the extended parameters for centering within a given rectangle does not play well not just with the gamemenu script but any gui element you create. As a test I created a simple program that created a label and then just performed the new DrawText() version that was not part of the label/gui. The new version of DrawText() if not part of the gui for some reason will be hidden. So what I found is if I just simply redraw the gui's base whether its hidden or not, the new DrawText() will show properly.


window = Window:Create("Label Example",0,0,800,600,Window.Titlebar + Window.Center)
context = Context:Create(window)
world = World:Create()
camera = Camera:Create()
light = DirectionalLight:Create()
box = Model:Box()

gui = GUI:Create(context)
base = gui:GetBase()

colorlabel = Widget:Create("Example", 20, 20, 300, 80, base, "Scripts/GUI/Label.lua")

toggle = 0

clip = 10
Ammo = 100
counter = 1400

while not window:KeyHit(Key.Escape) do
	if window:Closed() then return false end
	if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) then
		toggle = 1 - toggle
		if toggle == 1 then 
	context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo1: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 100, 80)
	context:DrawText("Press SPACE to toggle gui", 100, 300)
	--base:Redraw()--uncomment this and you will draw the new DrawText() version above

So based on that little example, all we need to fix the OP issue is to redraw the gamemenu's gui base. So if you add the redraw code to Menu.lua, it will draw properly everything in Jazz's example. So in the GameMenu:Update() function in the Menu.lua script, before it returns true, add the following code to line 480:


Edit -- this is admittedly a work around, but a fairly simple fix for something that Josh might not ever get around to resolving with DrawText() - especially since this version of DrawText() isn't officially documented.

Edit-- Or if you don't want to edit the Menu.lua script, then in the example Jazz provided, just add this before the context:Sync(true):


and everything appears to be drawn properly. This should also fix the problem the OP is having if he adds it to the default Main.lua as well.

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Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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macklebee's channel

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10 hours ago, Josh said:

It looks like maybe some clipping plane stuff is left active after the GUI renders.

So if that was the case, then shouldn't that also prevent just a normal DrawText() from appearing as well? Because it doesn't. Does the new DrawText() have a different drawing order than a normal DrawText()?

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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macklebee's channel

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14 minutes ago, Josh said:

What is a "normal" DrawText command?

The normal would be just 'context:DrawText("text",x,y)'. This version of DrawText() is not affected by the creation of gui element. But if you use 'context:DrawText("text",x,y,w,h,style)' and have created a gui element, it will be hidden - unless of course you redraw the gui base as shown in my example. So for whatever reason, the two versions of DrawText() react differently depending on whether a gui element exists.

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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macklebee's channel

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Oh yeah, you are right, there are two overloads.

I don't know if the new overload will work correctly if you use it outside of a GUI script.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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well, it does if you just redraw the gui base as shown in my above example... I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing or not or will cause a problem with something else, but it appears to get around the problem at the moment.

also it works just fine when you don't have any gui elements...

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

macklebee's channel

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Can I close this? The bottom line is, don't use the new DrawText overload. I could change the name internally in the future, because this only gets called by a call to GUI::DrawText(). The GUI then checks to see if it is attached to a 3D context or to an OS Window and it proceeds from there.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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