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A couple of questions


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 Hello there! As the title says:

1) is there a way to deactivate high contrast for Leadwerks editor without changing the windows theme? Currently it looks like this, which doesn't bother me very much since I mostly use VS, but if there's a way, please share.

2) Any date for version 5.0? Is there backward compatibility planned?

3) Licensing: from store page I understand that Leadwerks costs €200 and no royalties. This seems too good to be true. Is there any catch? What's the catch? Any info about the licensing model of version 5.0 on small teams and solo devs?

4) Just found the answer & I'm glad to hear about it.

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2) No date yet. Last I heard it was in the early stages so it will be some time until release but you can try the current version using the monthly subscription under the Store link at the top of the page, if you wish.

3) There are no royalties for LE4.  There never was for any version of Leadwerks, as far as I know, so it's probably a safe bet that the next version won't change this.

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 Ok, thank you!

 Now I have a dumb problem: can't link Leadwerks framework to my VS project.

I included as < Project properties -> c/c++ -> general -> additional include dir > everything found in $(ProgramFiles)\Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks\Include\Libraries

<I can give the whole list, but it will become tiresome to read because that's a lot of stuff in NewtonDynamics>


As < Project properties -> linker -> general -> additional library dir >

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks\Library\Windows\x86
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks\Library\Windows\x86\Release


As < Project properties -> linker -> input -> additional dependencies > everything that was in those 2 folders



  It won't compile. What am I missing?

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