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Material Editor Help


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Hi,  I am new and I am going through the tutorials at the moment. 

While doing the tutorial on materials I have somehow closed the properties, textures, shaders and information tabs and I cant for the life of me work out how to get them back!

Any tips? I have searched and have come up with nothing.


Leadwerks Material.png

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Hey, welcome!  The question is answered on the forums (but I know it's not always easy to find what you're looking for).  If you're talking about the properties tab on the right, you can drag that back in from the right side of your window (pull it back left from the right edge). If you're talking about the texture/material/model/etc. windows that may now be offscreen, I believe the solution to that was to delete your configuration file; Leadwerks.cfg in My Documents/Leadwerks.

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